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Everything posted by aloram

  1. Thanks, Sean697, for bringing this to my attention, and thanks for everyone's input.
  2. Same situation here. I completely agree. I wasn't being sarcastic at all, I sincerely appreciate your contributions.
  3. Awesome. Looking forward to more issues from the Game Player's/Players/UGP/Game Buyer universe. That magazine got really good starting in 1995 in particular, though 1994 marked a significant change from 1993. Once Mark Higham took over as Editor in the March 1994 issue, the magazine went in a new direction.
  4. They're made available periodically. I was lucky enough to visit the webpage on the day they went on sale.
  5. It's pretty inferior. I read through all 85 issues of Next Generation and NextGen in the last couple years, so it's fresh in my mind. The magazine gradually moved away from what made it great, one thing being the high quality paper and binding. However, I still think NextGen is superior to nearly every other video game magazine in terms of writing quality and integrity -- which tells you how highly I regard Next Generation. EDIT: I guess I should mention that I don't care -- at all -- about any of the home consoles that came out after the 64, so my interest in NextGen's content is low. That being said, read through one of the first few issues of Next Generation, and then read through one of the last few issues of NextGen. I think you'll find a difference other than just the print quality.
  6. Thanks a lot! You've been spoiling us recently.
  7. Amazing! I just subscribed to the English version of that channel.
  8. What a great idea. These are two that came to mind: Final Fantasy VII Soundtrack - Descendant Of Shinobi Jaws (NES) Music - Bonus Scene EDIT: How could I forget this one? Zora's Domain - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
  9. I just listed two lots of Game Informers from the mid 90s, but as fixed price listings. Thanks. http://www.ebay.com/itm/201512373400?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 http://www.ebay.com/itm/201512367570?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  10. Huh, that's odd. My listings are set for U.S. only, so as you said, maybe that's the problem.
  11. So weird. If I click on the link, even when I'm not signed in, they show up. Try this, please: http://www.ebay.com/usr/scramblam Click on "Items for sale," and then sort by "TIme: ending soonest." Sounds good, I'll get on it.
  12. Unfortunately, I don't. I see copies on eBay pretty often, though, usually in lots.
  13. According to my research, the scanner doesn't have a descreen option. It's an HP Deskjet F300. The computer it's connected to isn't mine, and I can't install any software on it. Please let me know if you find a way to set descreen, and if not, please let me know if you want me to scan the cover anyway. Please send me a PM. Thanks.
  14. How do I go about doing that? I have access to a cheap scanner. How would I send you the scan?
  15. Weird. Everything's still there, and the link showed up fine just now.
  16. All the listings just went live, and all the opening bids are $.01, with free shipping. I'm a Top-Rated Seller with perfect feedback, so if you're interested in anything, rest assured I'm a good person to work with. Phillyman actually bought Game Informer #1 from me last year. Next week, I'll be listing a bunch of old Game Players/Player's, as well as old Game Informers. I'll try to remember to post here again when those listings start. Thanks a lot. http://www.ebay.com/sch/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=&_ssn=scramblam&_sop=1
  17. Nice, thanks for sharing. Where did you get that Luigi art?
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