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About getthepower88

  • Birthday 03/25/1980

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  • Favorite Current Generation Platform?
    Xbox 360
  • Favorite Previous/Retro Platform?
    Super Nintendo

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  • Video Games Favorites
    Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, Secret of evermore and mana, Parasite eve. Final fantasy 4-10, not necessarily in that order. Kefka over sephiroth though.

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  1. Im Mike. I host Playing with power, a podcast about reading and discussing each and every issue of Nintendo Power magazine. we've done 23 issues so far, and had great guest from Howard Philips stepdaughter, to the Guild wars 2 level designer Josh Forman, to con attendees and stand up comics. we've really blown up over our first year, and got downloads in japan and the UK, so please check https://www.facebook.com/playingwithpowerpodcast/ and find it on itunes. and we couldnt have done it without the issues linked here. so i want to thank you for making my awesome show possible. we post a link to each issue here on our facebook for each episode. also, if we can get more issues after 125, that would be fantastic cause i would hate for my show to just suddenly stop lol. if there's anything i can do to help, let me know. speaking of, i found this: https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=9&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjNm8_Kv_TNAhWPsh4KHU6IAq0QFghAMAg&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.kijiji.ca%2Fv-old-video-games%2Fkamloops%2Fnintendo-power-magazine-collection-122-retro-issues%2F1022623376&usg=AFQjCNFa2tner4gcQp01j1RTEaYEpP0JCQ&sig2=D3XpUN9h0KlaWJylzjIQBQ if any scanners live nearby British Columbia, this might fill in some blanks. Hope you guys check out the podcast and let me know. I would lvoe to have you guys on sometime, as you're the reason i can DO this show.
  2. are you able to pick and choose? you can just fill in the blanks here for about 30 or so bucks at least leave the first hundred alone so he can bundle that, and you can get the 101 plus and share the missing ones here if it's too much, perhaps start a collection here
  3. Already beat you to it man. I am 6 episodes deep into my Playing with power podcast you can find it on facebook and itunes.. But if you want to guest or just message us with facts and praise I am very open to meeting you
  4. Hello getthepower88, Welcome to the Retromags Community!

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    1. getthepower88


      Thanks man. glad to be here! looking forward to getting to know a bit more about the preservation society here as it has inspired a lovely little podcast with me and my buddy running it. he had a pile of them in his garage and instead of tossing them i asked him how about we read and review them for a podcast. after i got interviewed for my stand up career on a podcast and the liked me so much they have me hosting the thing now, my buddy realized i make great podcasting material and is wo...

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