With all the recent re-releases of the Final Fantasy series games SquareEnix has been adding some new options to these games such as skipping random encounters and adding the instant limit breaks. Does anyone else feel like its ruining the pureness of these titles? Or do you think its nice to have more options? I feel like by removing random encounters you are taking away a major part of what made old style RPG/JRPG games great. They were used to increase your level, gil/money, and stats. I feel like by removing them its taking away so much of how the game was meant to be played and in turn ruining the experience of a longer play time and in ways depending on what options you choose making the games just way to easy and short. I am a old school gamer and maybe odd in this way but I liked the grind and I still enjoy the grind when replaying these old games and even some modern games built on this style. What do you think of these changes?