NES - Purchased Excitebike along side of the pack-in Super Mario Bros.
SNES - I didn't get this until 1993 surprisingly. System came with Super Mario World, but I bought Super Mario Kart and Pilot Wings in addition.
N64 - Super Mario 64
Gamecube - Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2
Wii - Zelda Twilight Princess
Wii U - New Super Mario Bros U and Zombi U
Genesis - I believe the system I bought was packed with Altered Beast and I purchased Sonic as well.
Sega CD - Dracula Unleashed lol
Sega Dreamcast - Went a little crazy with this launch...Sonic Adventure, Crazy Taxi, Blue Stinger, House of the Dead 2, Soul Calibur, Hydro Thunder.
PS1 - Suikoden
PS2 - Final Fantasy X
PS4 - The Last of Us Remastered, Resogun
Xbox - Knights of the old Republic
TG-16 - My family actually won this system with 10 games in a raffle that was held at our local grocery store. Games were: TV Sports Football, TV Sports Hockey, Power Golf, Final Lap Twin, Victory Run, Devils Crush, Bonks Adventure, Tricky Kick, Keith Courage, and King of Casino.
Gameboy - Super Mario Land and Baseball
Gameboy Advance - Castlevania: Circle of the Moon and Tony Hawk 2
DS - Super Mario 64 DS
3DS - Street Fighter 4
Gamegear - Olympic Gold and Mortal Kombat