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Everything posted by nutznboltz2003

  1. @SquareEnix Please make an English translation of Seiken Detsetsu 3. I loved Secret of Mana on the SNES and would love the sequel.

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  2. RT @pixelrater: We're giving away a @Snake_Pass code from @SumoDigitalLtd for #NintendoSwitch at 100 retweets!! #giveaway #contest #snakepa…

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  3. RT @AndrewBerkshire: When DC Comics made Lex Luthor president, he sold LexCorp. Trump is literally less ethical than a comic book villain.

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  4. Words are so last year. Join me and tweet #SayItWithStickers below @Apple https://t.co/n3kZL5PyXc

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  5. @TwitchyTeam @Husker4Palin he wasn't socialist, but how many people care about their neighbors anymore? How many people give food to needy?

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  6. #BreathoftheWild #NintendoSwitch https://t.co/Af2BaUyhp0

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  7. @Netflix is there any chance you'll be releasing a client for the #NintendoSwitch @NintendoAmerica

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  8. Yes I did @LootGamingHQ. Yes I did. #NintendoSwitch https://t.co/I5hSIarfBf

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  9. @michellemalkin @Husker4Palin just looking at the Black-Bloc person in the background, I knew this would turn violent...

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  10. RT @BrandyLJensen: damn boy are you a constitutional crisis bc you came a lot sooner than I expected

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  11. Pay what you want for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS games while supporting charity! https://t.co/f3IUrNkppn via @humble

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  12. I live just outside of Lincoln, Nebraska. We have rain, and snow, and even tornados. Some days, all 3 at once...
  13. Excellent advice. Finally found a TRU, which aren't near where I live, and they had Ganondorf. Picked up a pikachu while I was at it. Thanks again! I'm thinking the same thing. I've avoided some like DK because the character didn't interest me, but I'm thinking right now, I should go ahead and pick that up to have the original 12 at least.
  14. Lupara Studios: Keep on eye on them at https://t.co/W1gz6WTJzn. They are new to the MMO sp... https://t.co/9kxxVEWtbS

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  15. Personally, I loved your example Mike. If there is a feasible way to get me the full collection, I'd happily take them as I'm just not trying to get my kids into the realm of retro gaming and being able to put those on the tablet would be perfect.
  16. Scribblenauts? I had to look into that one, and that looks pretty freaking cool! Thank you for the idea!
  17. I've got around 20 of them. I've got all the Zelda ones aside from Ganondorf, the Kid Icarus ones, and some other odds and ends that the kids wanted. I really was only after Ness and Little Mac for me, but I can't ignore the kids when they want to get some too.
  18. THESE! That and bubblegum. I'm not sure which was honestly worse, but damn, when I saw the orange and black, I'd start getting sick.
  19. I actually have DOSbox set up and running specifically for the old Oregon Trail game. Aside from that, most of my old DOS games I have purchased through GOG to be able to still enjoy them. This has gotten me Fallout 1, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics! I'm so happy for groups like GOG!
  20. For me, one of my fondest gaming memories was ordering Nintendo Power when you could get a free copy of Dragon Warrior with your subscription. I had played that game at my cousins and absolutely loved it and wanted to own it. My folks weren't happy about me "wasting" my paper route money on a magazine, but it was the best decision I had made
  21. So many memories! Yars Revenge, Dragon Fire, Pole Position, Combat, Pitfall, Football, Q-Bert. I loved them all. The graphics may not have been the best, but those were just fun games.
  22. I'm on, user ID on steam is the same as mine on here. I don't get near the time to game on Steam as I would like, but I do try to keep it running and updated.
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