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Everything posted by nutznboltz2003

  1. I started with the Intellivision myself as well. I might be now on more modern consoles, but one of my favorite things is the Atari Classics on the iPad when used with the iCade system. Looks like a mini arcade box in my house. I'm actually debating on getting a Rasberry Pi unit and looking at setting up a MAME system/arcade box with a basic 17" monitor and x-arcade stick so the kids can play some of those arcade classics.
  2. I think it would make more sense for this to be a Steam Box with the possibility of free download codes for Sega games on Steam. A new game console I just don't see being able to compete unless it is a very limited release or limited market release. I might have fond memories of the original Sega Mastersystem, but this just doesn't make sense.
  3. I'll admit, I'd bite on this. I'll also admit, I'd want to see Zelda II option for deign as well. I know it's not popular, but I rally enjoyed the side scrolling of that game.
  4. Gambling and nude pics? I did find the right place to spend my work day!
  5. I wanted to say thank you. He had some e-shop money from Christmas saved and I mentioned New Leaf. He checked it out and ended up getting it. So far, he's really liking it. I think I'll hit the local game shops and see if I can't find the GCN version as well.
  6. I just entered to win a custom #PvZGW2 #Xbox One with #BingRewards. Join, and search w/ @Bing to get great rewards!https://t.co/2VCIXYut4L

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  7. That is how I felt overtime I had to submit any type of art for a project or contest!
  8. I stick to my New 3DS but will occasionally break out the old PSP for some classic RPG action.
  9. Sorry for adding to an old topic, but my Wii U ID is Centauri. I'll add the ones above next time I get a chance to play on it. Kids keep it pretty occupied.
  10. I never could draw anything outside of a stick figure, but I loved seeing them in Nintendo Power and other game mags growing up. That's kind of a lost art these days what with e-mail and instant communication methods.
  11. I grew up in a very rural farming community. No comic shops, no game stores, and no arcade aside from a Paperboy at the Drive In. For me, the best part of childhood was not worrying about anything and being able to grab the tackle box and pole and go fishing almost whenever I wanted. We just biked out to the river and fished from the train bridge.
  12. Let me add a couple of my favorites to this list! Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (ps1) - Full OST (2.5 hours) https://youtu.be/RY6Hx_aTFjc Super Castlevania IV: (SNES) -- Full OST (1 hour) https://youtu.be/sySkD2Nfwok
  13. I had not thought about fighting games. He does enjoy Smash Bros. so that could be a good option. I'll check those out, thank you!
  14. This...could be interesting. I'm not sold on a reboot, but if he is going from the earlier strips, this could be just the dark revision this show needs. I loved the campiness of the HBO version with the Crypt Keeper, but a slightly darker tone could work out well.
  15. My junior year of college, I lived in an apartment style housing with 3 other guys. One of them was a senior who only needed 2 classes to graduate. They were Tuesday/Thursday classes. To meet his 12 hour minimum to qualify for full time status, he did a 6 hour internship on Wednesdays. He wasn't a huge gamer, but since he had the time, he asked for something that would take up some of this 4 solid days of free time. We gave him Final Fantasy 7. Thursday night, he sat down to start playing. He was still playing when I left for classes Friday. He was still there when I returned. Saturday when I woke up, the game was paused and his car was gone. He arrived a few minutes later with a couple cases of Dew and chips and little debbie snacks. That is where he stayed until Monday night when he stopped to shower and do homework. That became his routine that semester for him. He'd game from Thursday night until Monday around supper time. I don't know how many games he went through, but as a college student, I was completely in awe of him.
  16. I remember Dodgeball and River City Ransom! Those are great suggestions! I'll look into Katamari more as that sounds oddly strange and crazy and right up the alley of a 10 year old. Thank you Areala for those suggestions.
  17. I don't see him enjoying the Mega Man games sadly, but Animal Crossing is not one I had thought of! Is there a "best of" to start him off on, or could I just get him any version?
  18. My 10 year old son and I have completely different taste in games. I loved RPGs at his age, like Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy and Zelda. He does not enjoy them at all. He loves games like Wave Race, which he plays on the game cube. I want to expand his collection of games, but honestly, I don't even know where to begin. I'm not a racing fan outside of Mario Kart, but as he's told me "it's not the same, dad". So, can anyone recommend or suggest some potential games he might enjoy? We have the following systems. Gameboy GB Advance Nintendo DS Nintendo 3DS Nintendo SNES N64 GCN Wii Wii U PS2 Thank you in advance!
  19. I am currently enjoying Final Fantasy Explorers on the 3DS and Final Fantasy Record Keeper on the mobile. When I get access to the console, I'm slowly, and I mean slowly, trying to make my way through Xenoblade Chronicles X, which is a great game.
  20. Hello! 37 years old and from Nebraska. I found this site looking for old Nintendo Power magazines for my oldest. Nintendo diehard, owning at least one of every console/handheld. Proud to still play duck hunt on an old CRT.
  21. My children are 10, 5, and almost 2. My oldest loves the original Pokemon games and my middle child is just now starting to play some limited games. They actually prefer the older games because, according to them, they are just more fun. I think that's something retro games have going for them, they really are fun. As such, I don't see them going away anytime soon.
  22. I do a combination of ebay and local game shops. I'm lucky to work a few blocks from a university, so game shops stay pretty well stocked!
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