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About mazeroth1

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  • Favorite Current Generation Platform?
    Playstation 3
  • Favorite Previous/Retro Platform?
    Nintendo Entertainment System

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  • Playing Right Now
    Retron system for old NES, SNES, and Sega. Also PS1, PS3
  • Video Games Favorites
    Final Fantasy Series, Dino Crisis 2, Castlevania Series, and many many more

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  1. I have my original systems all hooked into a tv for my kids to play now. I solved the game problem by building a draw system on the wall around the tv and shelving for the systems. They love Duck Hunt, Mario, donkey king country, Duck Tales, Link and so many more that I loved as a kid....plus they are not all blood and gore. If I turned out ok on the classics maybe they will too. Nothing like playing the real thing with the old controls in your hands.
  2. Yes! Crystalis was a great game. Not many people knew of it but I used to play it with a friend who got it for a birthday.
  3. There are a lot of retro gaming stores popping up all over the place. I have four within 25 mins of my house. I am glad I got a bunch of stuff before it all became popular to have again. Prices are going up for all of these again.
  4. As a young kid old coming off of Atari, I got a Nintendo and was hooked all the way as were most of my friends. I have to say being a kid playing Nintendo it was amazing looking at all of the great things in Nintendo Power and going to the Nintendo Powerfest / World Championships in 1990. I still have all of my Nintendo systems from the NES on up with all my games, boxes, and they all still work!
  5. I am a Philly boy originally, but had to move out to Lancaster PA for work.
  6. Hello mazeroth1, Welcome to the Retromags Community!

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