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Everything posted by XFactor

  1. Lost most of my magazines throughout the years. This way I can preserve them.
  2. Kickstarter projects tend to overpromise and never deliver. Keji Inafune's Mighty No 9 is a good example.
  3. IF PC games were the only market, then games developers would have much lower budgets. For most games, the bulk of sales come from console game sales.
  4. Old people candy, tootsie rolls and liquorice
  5. Vanilla coke and crystal pepsi need to be permanent shelf items.
  6. People sell them on ebay, sometimes for rediculous prices.
  7. It certainly is not a deterrent of a sale.
  8. Canada here. I used to buy GamePro magazines when I was a kid. Most of them got thrown out over the years
  9. Amiibos have good detail and character resemblance, especially for a figure of its size.
  10. Stay away from No Man's Sky. Biggest letdown in a long time.
  11. The PS4 in Japan is on pace to sell more units than the Wii U's Japanese lifetime sales by the end of the year.
  12. The internet made most of the news obsolete. Old magazines used to do previews and post a few outdated screenshots.
  13. Mortal Kombat 1 was good but the fighting was actually better in the sequel despite the bad story of the 2nd one.
  14. I collected most of them except for the Animal Crossing ones because I never played that game.
  15. The trailer was terrible. The movie was simply not good.
  16. What was Nintendo thinking with Pink Haired Link in Zelda: A Link to the Past?
  17. I buy most consoles I want at launch. Last bought a PS4 in 2013. Got the Wii U in 2012.
  18. No, that would be unwise to make Steam less accessible. Microsoft is not trying to annoy any potential customer base.
  19. GamePro was the one I bought as a kid. Most of the ones I had got thrown out so that's why I'm here.
  20. Those are rumours for now but Nintendo seems to never learn their lessons. The NX seems it will not attract third party developers again.
  21. I use my PC for other tasks and rarely play games on it despite having a gaming PC. I would also not want to lug my PC into the living room to play it on my HDTV.
  22. I play on Vita and 3DS XL. I skipped the PSP. I had an old DS Lite as well. I never liked the original gameboy due to the sepia display
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