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Everything posted by Alex1

  1. Good point. That would probably be the case. The market for rare games wouldn't change much. Only other factor that might infleunce price is the plethora of profit seeking web based stores since they need to make some profit. I wonder if it isn't an overcrowded market with slim margins though. At least they make the games more readily available for consumers I would think.
  2. 160 is already an impressive number. Hope you've got a good system to handle backlog.
  3. I will see if the "originals only" strategy will satisfy my gamimg needs. Playing those rare, expensive games like Little Samson are begging for an emulator/ROM. I think that emulation is probably the most important factor to keep prices lower. Just imagine if the only way to still play these games would be with the original cartridges. Or would they be the same??
  4. Wow. So it has been that long. I'm from the generation u describe. I was a bit of a hoarder so I kept most of my SNES and the following Nintendo consoles. Unfortunately I didn't keep the NES as these were handed down to the younger siblings. Recently I've resurrected my interest in retrogames/mags and figured I would build up a NES library. Hence the discovery that the prices seem excessive. Will be taking the plunge on some old favorites. Will be skipping the CIB's and just get the cartidges. Any idea if releases like the NES mini classics and virtual consoles inflate or deflate prices in general??
  5. Is it me or are we experiencing a retrogame price bubble? A few years agi you would rarely see anything above $1000 sold unless it was a really rare game. Now any mint conditioned CIB seems to cross that barrier. What do you guys think?
  6. It's funny to read through it though. They mention Duke Nukem Forever as something that will never see the light of day. Before half life two was actually released! Sadly the end product was not so good.
  7. I think a big seller for this system is going to be the HD function with various screen moders. It has been suggested that there will be an mode with scanlines. Sweet!
  8. Just joined. First post. WIll there be an update regarding the stance of this community regarding the Nintendo Powers?
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