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Everything posted by ml0045

  1. No, but I remember playing it a long time ago on an emulator. Pretty neat but never finished it. Started with the cowboy scenario. Ah, it's updated 2.5D. Interesting. Thanks for letting me know. I haven't had too much time for games lately.
  2. Some games released in the west are featured on the cover: Super Castlevania IV, Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past.
  3. I also had this one as well as the official Nintendo one. I remember this one being kind of big and little color but it did state likes and dislikes for each character and always was curious if it was official or not.
  4. Thanks. Always love classic Famitsu
  5. This is a magazine issue I always wanted to look at again (I think I my brother had this issue) because I have played FFT start to finish several dozen times.
  6. More Famitsu goodness. Thanks.
  7. That's a great cover. Edit: It's by Hajime Sorayama. No wonder it's so good. One of the best of Lara I've seen.
  8. Games featured on cover: Final Fantasy IV Easy Type Romancing Saga Ransei no Hasha Shining Force. Thanks for the scan.
  9. I think the cutoff date for scans should be drastically reduced. If it is out of print and not being offered online, every issue should be allowed if it is a magazine even if it stopped publishing recently. The same goes for strategy guides if it is currently not available for sale from the publisher. Obviously current issue of currently publishing magazine probably isn't the best idea for the sites future as you said, but are your thoughts on hosting back issues? Anyway, these are just suggestions.
  10. This has been brought before but the amount of ads and sparse content like actual guides which covered very little for games in USA magazines was its biggest con.
  11. You joke but you can actually mirror wikipedia if you want. It's about 17 GB for English. https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data_dump_torrents#English_Wikipedia
  12. Well those are hypothetical numbers for languages since fluency kind of needs more than just book learning. But I don't doubt it was a lot of time put into the game. It was probably one of the top percentiles of my gaming history. I enjoyed it for the most part sans the grinding.
  13. This is a little late but I piled 212 hours (counting resets) in Breath of the Wild about a month ago. Getting all 900 korok seeds and all the other stuff. 100% completion.
  14. Which is coincidentally Groundhog Day here in Yankee Land.
  15. Talking about the weather on the front page? Most definitely a Japanese magazine.
  16. SEASON OF THE SAKURA – Available now TRANSFER STUDENT – THREE SISTERS’ STORY – RUNAWAY CITY – Available now MAY CLUB – Coming soon NOCTURNAL ILLUSION – Coming soon Only bottom two aren't available. I tried loading one, languages are russian and english. Haven't played them but the first one boots up.
  17. Well, it was worth a shot. I always thought your name was a holiday like 子供の日. I guess it was "St Elmo's Fire." Thanks anyway.
  18. Any chance they somehow get to the internet archive via someone named "Fox Day"?
  19. Ah, never noticed the date and glanced over the fact it was a Dreamcast mag.
  20. No google results for ヰウヱラヱ so probably as you say (Pre WW2 kana) since WiiWare is ウィーウェア so your guess is as good as mine. Not a native speaker though. https://www.google.co.jp/search?source=hp&ei=EWIiXu_HLOWh_QbUybc4&q=ヰウヱラヱ&oq=ヰウヱラヱ&gs_l=psy-ab.3...600.600..1092...0.0..0.0.0.......0....2j1..gws-wiz.yadVAxEeN88&ved=0ahUKEwivlKyngoznAhXlUN8KHdTkDQcQ4dUDCAU&uact=5
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