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  1. Hello, RetroMags I know this is a total long shot, but here goes. I am collecting data for a research project and I need your help. For this project, I will be analyzing Game Informer reviews between the years 1991 and 2016. I visited the Library of Congress and collected many of the issues already but am missing a substantial number. I have looked into buying them used on eBay, but it would get rather pricey very quickly. Would anyone be willing to scan the front cover as well as the reviews section for the following issues? Alternatively, if you own any of these issues and would be willing to sell them that can be arranged as well. If you have any questions at all please let me know. I am happy to provide compensation for these scans. I will update this post if I no longer require any of the issues listed below. Also, if you have a suggestion as to how I can obtain these, I would love to hear your thoughts. Issues needed: 1991 March June September 1992 March June September 2002 September December 2003 September December 2007 June 2008 September December 2011 March June September December 2012 March June September December 2013 March June September December 2014 June 2015 March 2016 June December
  2. Hello jslebach, Welcome to the Retromags Community!

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