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  1. So far what I got is, you are a SJW, that doesn't like to play games, thinks old magazines especially Japanese are sexist and horrible but you buy them and upload them here while living in Japan and you don't have any issues with digital because you only buy DRM free games and the ones with DRM you steal and you give zero fucks, no wonder physical copies are of little importance to you. You also think Nintendo power and EGM etc are just for children but oh so mature you are and I am not even gonna bring up every false claim littered in your posts ranging from sales to stats, even lots of CAPS. That are all actual statements by you in the last few days. If I could find the ignore button I would ignore you already but I was unsuccessful so it seems less of a headache to just leave and then you can rant on about Cartoon women and Donald Trump like you did in the other thread, peace I'm off this forum. PS if you upload anymore magazines with scantily dressed "women" I will be sure to download
  2. That's nice but for those of us who don't steal can't do that.
  3. Everyone is sick of virtue signaling by SJW's such as yourself and even more sick of reading opinions on the election that has been on everywhere for more than a year at this point. Whatever you decide give me a heads up because I am only here for retro and mags, thank you.(I guess Trump was a yuuuge gamer and that is why he grabs 'em by the pussy, your logical reasoning at work.)
  4. You are right and I do problem is rarely if ever does gog have anything I want to buy :( Some online games these days however are single player games just using online for activation, some games on steam still being sold are broken as we speak because games for windows live got canned by MS and they required logging into that in order to save the game and sometimes even play them.
  5. Then people wonder why print is going under, digital and the internet for sure plays a big part but just as much if not more is the PC police. There is a reason why so many people want to read "retro" magazines these days besides nostalgia.
  6. Lol no it doesn't and you don't become a "sexist" by simply enjoying the opposite sex. It is not "problematic" to enjoy sex either and if you don't think women enjoy the same when it comes to men then think again. Your reasoning btw has been debunked so many times even in actual research just as with game "violence" it is just tiresome to read these days. Ignorant criticism like that is why E3 sucks today and games are made worse, a real shame especially for all of us who love gaming.
  7. I enjoy it but don't find it amazing or worth the extra money. I have it at home as well and it works great but seldom will I bother putting it on and if I do I tend to enjoy shorter experiences. I did find it added to the hobbit movie with the 48fps, while avatar was so bad not even if I was there in person would it be enjoyable. Some movies are worth the 3D for when it is a gimmick and that is what you want/expect. I would only bother with it at home if you get it anyway as in the tv you want just happen to have it as was the case for me getting the last Panny plasma. Until or unless 3D without glasses becomes a reality on mainstream sets I doubt it will ever catch on and if you gonna wear stuff and hook things up then VR will be more likely since it is also far greater. But in the end I think both 3D and VR will keep failing at least for the foreseeable future. They both got old fast for me and most family and friends of mine don't seem to care either after the initial hype for either experiences, VR especially becomes a chore and an ordeal you just can't be bothered in the end, so many wires so much setting up and time needed.
  8. ^^ it is 30% and they do pay Valve that amount as a retailer of digital goods and same goes for all other digital platforms with maybe GOG as the only exception?! While overhead and packaging costs i.e. Logistics related costs are down the costs for making games have increased and publishers do not pass on any savings onto consumers, they have no interest doing so. Digital is shit but a necessity these days. I hate having a collection of 100's of titles digital. Can never lend, trade, sell and I know at anytime they can take them away for any reason they feel like. I live with the constant reminder that all of it is pretty much a long term rental and for better or worse it sure does devalue ones games, there is no getting around that. It sucks when they get pulled away from you and you can't play them anymore and that has happened many times. Eventually there will have to be a retrogames dot com to preserve them when it all gets shut down and games will be permanently lost. Tldr; digital sucks but what can you do
  9. They care little about quality and haven't for a long time, don't forget the released full sonic titles that were literally unplayable. It is a shame but what can you do... btw been enjoying the mini famicom all day. I love the thing and it works perfectly. I especially enjoy the titles that I never played that didn't make it out of Japan (a crime seeing how amazing they are.) Also love the fact they give you all manuals on PDF as they were originally printed. If able to get it I can't recommend it enough. I'm not interested enough to get the American one but I'm sure it is as great a machine as this is. Still a little sour on tecmo bowl/bad punch out and not an EU version but If they ever do a European version I will get that but right now I am enjoying the hell out of this and the setting for scan lines crt really is spot on, the system even asks to change sides and insert disk as the famicom did, almost a 100% true to the original in every detail and the sound is the great and accurate which is what usually sucks when playing emulators. Now I hope they make a SNES mini and Gameboy mini, would buy on day 1. I can also hope they release more games somehow by USB or something. I think this is the most excited I have been for Nintendo since the N64 launch.
  10. We had computers from the late 80's and through work at university well technically internet was available then at 89-90 at this point it wasn't commercial at all and it wasn't until 91 that I started using it. As for the first picture uploaded, pretty sure it was a naked photo and not whatever else mentioned I also had internet at home before it was commercially available for most people. The magazines you mention from the 80's were good true, the other one you mentioned I have never read so I take your word for it but PC gamer both the American and UK was a joke to me and still is. I personally love Nintendo power, I also liked EGM a lot and Famitsu and some region specific ones like Super Power later named Super Play. Then a bunch of other ones including Mac and Amiga etc. Maybe they do come across a bit childish but my "inner child" loves it. Hence why I said different tastes, I enjoy it being less mature but I understand why someone wouldn't.
  11. I have read some American magazines as well but wasn't impressed, the one I disliked the most was PC gamer to me they never lend well to PC and I feel it is a different beast to cover. I did visit sites that existed before gamespy and ign but their names are lost on me, I have had internet since 1991. Of course the internet has taken business away from not just gaming but all publications but I also think overtime the quality has gotten worse. Today's magazines are just awful but I also think new games are awful so perhaps the two go hand in hand. I'm sure there were exceptions and we all have different tastes.
  12. Those Sega machines are licensed by Sega but they did make their own as well but they are just as awful. Maybe this will entice them to make one that is good.
  13. Xbox was the last gaming console that I enjoyed. It was like a successful Dreamcast and even a bit better with more amazing games and a fast working online platform.
  14. Thanks for the great read I also played Tekken 3 to death, it was the game that got me to buy the PlayStation at the time, every day me and my friends would play it. It was like everyone including their mother owned a PlayStation, I believe at the time here there wasn't a TV or new piece of expensive electronic sold that didn't include a free PlayStation with your purchase as part of promotions. My fav character was Hwoarang
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