I always mix up playing retro games (mostly Amiga) with more recent games off Steam. When it comes to modern games, I'm what they call a "patient gamer". I always play games from about 7 or 8 years ago. It means I never pay more than $10 for any game, and my relatively inexpensive PC can play them all with all bells and whistles turned on. It also means that I never play games that are hyped up and then turn out to be shit. After many years, a solid perception of games' quality has arisen.
Anyway, in recent times I've been playing through 2009 games for the first time, such as Batman: Arkham Asylum, Mirror's Edge, Borderlands and STALKER: Call of Pripyat. Right now...I'm 50 hours through Dragon Age: Origins.
Once I'm done with that, it's onto 2010 I go (Mass Effect 2, BioShock 2, Fallout: New Vegas, Amnesia, Metro 2033, Torchlight etc.).