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Everything posted by gingerbeardman

  1. I'm in the UK and am happy to scan. I also have an IPEVO Ziggi HD document camera that I use for certain things (mainly books I don't want to unbind) as it's got a timer mode that takes shots every 3 seconds as you turn pages which is often far easier than my flatbed.
  2. Yes, I often use alternatives to eBay like Shpock and Gumtree due to the car crash that eBay has turned into. But the sad state is that it is the largest marketplace for used stuff over here in the UK so I'm kind of stuck with it. Also, the French guy has said he does not sell scans so I'm out of luck with the approach.
  3. That is totally fine by me. A French guy is selling them at £30 per issue on eBay Europe. I only want to read one article from each issue so that's way over my budget. I have asked him if I can pay for photos or scans of only the article I want from each issue, which for me seems the most straight forward solution. I've used Yahoo! Auctions before, so I'll keep an eye out. Thanks for the offer to scan!
  4. Japanese Magazine 1986/5—1999/9 274 issues http://www.netlaputa.ne.jp/~dummy/gamest/magazine/cover.html All I can find online is 6 issues from the mid- to late-1990s https://retrocdn.net/Category:Gamest_scans I'm specifically looking for issues 30–41 (1989/3—1990/2) Happy to fund purchase and scanning in some way.
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