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Everything posted by RETROMAG

  1. Wow, isn't that depressing people still have to socially conform to society in any form or manner when you are not harming anyone but involved in a hobby. Used to be in museums that was a respected profession, a curator, and art is a form of museum display piece. Not as archeologically as significant, because centuries old will dictate the significance of an item along with obscurity value but art is inherently meant to have no function. But Magazines are more than that, they form a catalogue and snapshot of the culture, time piece and mindset of a particular time, is more functional and yet aesthetically put together to resemble art in some forms. Video games are thought to be art by some. Scanning magazines is like doubling as reading and digital archiving /manipulation, like a curator would some pieces. Maybe the person is a homebody, and finds enjoyment flipping through old magazines as you would through new magazines. And scanning them is a productive way to flip though the magazine. Far from getting drunk and wasting a few hundred dollars to fit in with societal pressure, drinking in moderation is good but there are more "loser-ish" ways to spend a weekend I suppose. Personally I have not been a scanner but the picture you put of yourself is so inaccurate, I respect your endeavours more than most!
  2. Don't know why you do what you do, but thank you so much. I love making friends especially chatting about mags and games. Message me anytime! Also when was your childhood, during which decade? Do you think life in 2020 is a contrast to then?
  3. Why do you guys scan mags? Just wondering. Thank you so much though for doing what you do.
  4. Not only that, you can't search via compute search engines on printed medium. Combination is sweet though you can search on PC but then also sometimes having books on shelves can be difficult to i.e organize, space, etc.
  5. Lol yeah the EGM content was pretty terrible, but I did not want to offend any EGM fans. But the covers were very often amazing! lolol. Do you have a picture of your game room / collection? You can pm me if you'd like. Thanks for the chat was fun!
  6. Wow, that is amazing. I love to hear about peoples interests. I know what you mean. A magazine speaks to you and is the collection and combination of heart soul thoughts and ideas. some resonate to you more than others, the artistic nature such as how a page or even a advert is presented means some article can be so different even if on the same game. I always felt EGM had great covers but not very good content. Did you read EGM at all? What did you think of EGM? And what made you start the website? Out of interest..
  7. Thanks so much! Great site! What is your favourite publications? CVG is by far the best mag I think. I have my 80s CVG mag lol.

    BC's Quest For Tires

    Longplay spoiler alert
  9. Wow I remember Maximum PC... I know the magazines are probably worthless on ebay today, but I have kept mine since the 90s in perfect pristine condition. Couldn't afford of course all magazines could only get a few but I kept them in pristine condition. Like new with all the freebies perfect. I still have the first mag I ever owned. Really bad condition but hand me down I kept the magazine in the same condition I got. PSM was a good mag too. I got really nostalgic does anybody knows what happened to the CVG team? where is Ed Lomas now, Steve Key, the entire team? Been looking them up for ages. Kinda miss the silly lads. lol
  10. That would be great! Could you please let us know when you will upload? Can you share the link? Thanks
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