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  1. The first generation of Pokémon was really special. The nostalgia of the original generation will never leave me. I mean seriously, look at the cover of this. It is just like the weirdest designs and funny enough some even look like they could be official Pokémon these days. As in like the ball fakemon kinda looks like a a Chingling in shock over having its wings clipped. A little bit at least... Anyhow, thanks for the upload. I'll be sure to give this a read.
  2. Good memories with this game. I was in the hospital as a little kid with a bad case of pneumonia actually, which kind of sucked. However, in their game room they had Banjo Kazooie, which was very new at the time. I remember playing this game so much and it really got me through that difficult period of my life. After I got out, my dad actually bought me a new copy of this game, and Banjo Kazooie just so happened to be the first new video game I've ever gotten in my life. About 2,000+ games in nowadays. but this will always be a treasured favorite of mine. Never had a strategy guide so never made it past the sewers. But also couldn't read back then so I am not sure if this would have helped... Really, this gets me a little further.
  3. Well thank you so very much for uploading this book! In high school I had a laptop full of shareware games, and I'm fairly certain every single game in this book was among those. And man, do I wish I had this. I love the visuals to guide you through the various games. Years later, I still need this book though, because the siblings I used to play these games with have sadly passed away since. They were pretty much the only reason I ever got through any of these games. I was always playing coop following their lead, as I never had any sense of direction...
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