Geeeeeze, I remember this mag. I'm glad to have it because memories, was bad. It was reeeally bad. The only thing I distinctly remember about it was an article about being cool for women...which included advice about about picking the right email service.
Because that's what women wanted in the year 2000. A guy with a hot email address.
This was my favorite era of PC gaming. So much ground was being broken every day! I remember having to buy 3D Accelerator cards that were separate from your graphics cards, because graphics cards couldn't handle the load by themselves. And I remember "multiplayer networks" which were unified lobby systems that let you connect to other players to find multiplayer games, because game companies hosting their own servers wasn't a thing (whether or not it becoming a thing is a positive is a debate with no black or white answer). WON (the World Opponent Network), TEN (the Total Entertainment Network), MPlayer, Gamespy, and my personal favorite, Segasoft's (I still haver their multiplayer start-up kit on my shelf).
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