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Everything posted by Seventy7

  1. I recently picked up a couple back catalog archival coverdiscs which contains loads of magazines in either Source PDF or Scanned PDF form. PC Games (Germany) - 30 year archive: https://archive.org/details/pc-games-germany-magazine-30-jahre/1992/PCG_1092/ play3 / play4 / play 5 (Germany) archives: https://archive.org/details/play3-play3-germany-magazine-200712-2014-05/2007/play3_1207/ https://archive.org/details/play4-play4-germany-magazine-201406-201411/2014/play4_0614/ https://archive.org/details/play5-play5-germany-magazine-202012-202202/2020/play5_1220/ Also I just wanted to put a plug in: If anyone has coverdiscs they want dumped and added to Redump.org let me know! I can help coordinate (many dumper friends in many countries!).
  2. Rather than start a new thread I'll piggy back on this one. If anyone in the UK is scanning mags let me know. I'd like to buy some PS2 Cheat magazines when they pop up occasionally at a good price for scanning. It would be a fairly infrequent situation (maybe a couple orders a year or so).
  3. DM sent, would love to get these added to redump. I've been adding a bunch of PlayStation focused UK discs there lately.
  4. There are some high quality scans of the spanish magazine covers here https://vandal.elespanol.com/noticia/1350632614/cierra-la-revista-oficial-playstation-de-espana/
  5. Ammendum - the Russian magazine is called: "PlayStation 2 Official Magazine Россия", i accidentally left an extra word in the above post. If you add these above in, I can give you more details on the Xbox series magazines which I researched equally as well. Thanks for all your hard work.
  6. Hi guys, i've been doing research for quite some time on coverdisc demos. I wanted to share some info about series this site is missing. France: "PlayStation Magazine" ran for Issues 1-47 in France (example). Starting with Issue 48, the magazine was rebranded as "PlayStation 2 Le Magazine Officiel". Presuming that the magazine ran until March 2007 (when it was rebranded), that would have likely put it at a final Issue of #95. Note: Demo Disc # and Issue # packaged together don't match, they restarted the demo numbering with PS2 demos while continuing the issue numbering since it was a PS1 magazine. "PlayStation Le Magazine Officiel" which started as an Issue #1 in April 2007. I don't know when this magazine series ended or it could still be going on to current times. Denmark: PlayStation 2 Officielt Dansk Magasin was released. Not sure of the Issue info. Benelux: "PlayStation 2 Officieel Nederlandstalig Magazine" ran for at least 80 issues. Germany: "Das Offizielle Playstation-Magazin" was released promoting PS1, probably ended when the ps2 magazine started "Das Offizielle PlayStation 2" ran from "01/2001" to at least "04/2007" Italy: "PlayStation 2 Magazine Ufficiale Italia" ran for 60 issues, possibly some special issues additionally. Russia: "PlayStation 2 Official Magazine Россия: Гоночный" was released. Portugal: "PlayStation 2 Revista Oficial" ran for at least 54 issues starting on 2002-10 Spain: "PlayStation 2 Revista Oficial - España" ran for 80 issues before it was rebranded: "PlayStation Revista Oficial - España" started it's run at Issue #81 That covers PS2 magazines for all of Europe with a couple other mentions.
  7. Thanks. Can I submit pictures from ebay of magazine front covers where missing? Or do they have to be of a certain quality? I was thinking that something is better than nothing in regards to building a reference of what exists.
  8. https://www.retromags.com/magazines/aus/official-playstation-2-magazine-aus/ " It was succeeded by Official PlayStation Magazine Australia in October 2006, just prior to the US and Japanese launch of the PlayStation 3" This is incorrect, the "PlayStation Official Magazine-Australia" was launched March 2007 as evidenced by this scan https://www.retromags.com/gallery/image/29115-playstation-official-magazine-issue-001-march-2007/ Additionally, I've attached an image of the magazine still bearing the PS2 namesake through January 2007, and Redump has an entry with the Feb 2007 demo disc dumped with an "Issue 63" tag http://redump.org/disc/1384/ Additionally a dash "-" is distinct in the DHP release titles. As a result I suggest to change this description to say: Official PlayStation 2 Magazine-Australia was a monthly magazine published by Derwent Howard media (DHM) from April 2002 until February 2007 (Issue 63). The magazine retained many of the writers from Official PlayStation 2 Magazine Australia (ACP). It was succeeded by Official PlayStation Magazine Australia in March 2007, just prior to the US and Japanese launch of the PlayStation 3.
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