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Everything posted by puslar_t

  1. Great, I wonder if it's possible to host them here instead? Granted, creating a hundrend entries is a lot of effort, but there are workarounds to reduce that number (per year, per dozen etc)
  2. Thanks but the Wayback Machine only stores HTML, no images or *actual* archives files. Maybe the scans are mirrored somewhere?
  3. Dang, first ZD terminates CGW and then the museum goes offline. I always kept postponing getting the scans, maybe there's an alternative way to get them though?
  4. A user by the name of Escapade has posted several UHQ (~500mb per issue) scans of early EDGE on UG, but that bandwidth is too much for a ratio-driven site like UG. He also stated that he doesn't do 'scene releases', but it would be unfortunate to lose those precious scans due to high, unfeasible DPI. Maybe someone who's active on UG can ask if his scans can be resized and hosted here on retromags?
  5. I'm awfully sorry for this unfortunate event. Is it possible to remove the internal disk and attach it to a similar board, like they used in the days of 3.5" drives?
  6. I've seen that artwork before haha! Great work gladiator.
  7. Fantastic! Now if only someone steps up with the 1994/5 CVG issues, those were the best years for the magazine.
  8. Yes loved ToCA2 back in the day thank you gladiator!
  9. Just my luck that you scan one of the only two VG issues that I have (the other being an early 1996 one in pretty bad shape). It's a bare-bones magazines but back then who really cared? Anyway keep up the good work.
  10. It is interesting that you mentioned CVG. From this interview with Rich Leadbetter he did mentioned CVG was his favourite magazine during that era.
  11. Interesting that you chose UFC. I never played it but always wanted to find a copy. Never bothered with the sequels on the PS2 though. As for my selection Shenmue Sonic Adventure Soul Calibur Daytona USA Project Justice The Dreamcast was a breath of fresh air after a long period of "serious" PC gaming. Too bad the PS2 was overhyped the way it did. Sony outdid Sega with marketing two times in a row. The XBox exclusives made by Sega should have appeared on the Dreamcast. At least a few of those were already being worked on for the DC but upgrading them for the XBox was almost a breeze I reckon.
  12. I agree. The cart format proved that Nintendo still had that "control freak corporate mindset" (as eloquently put by the Scribe). Also disappointing were the Megadrive add-ons, the PSP (misses the point of handheld gaming) and the Jaguar. 3DO was an open system and Trip Hawkins has been a decent businessman but come on, that entry price was atrocious!
  13. C&C3 Kane's Wrath MGS1 Warriors Orochi Stranglehold Mass Effect
  14. I think the title still goes to Kega Fusion, for it has the best sound emulation of the lot. However this one is written for the Wii/GC so there's not much competition really
  15. Just grabbed issue 18 of OSSM.. Brilliant work meppi and thanks! After OSSM is complete do you plan on undertaking a new project or is an overdue vacation from scanning (like Phillyman) is in order?
  16. I'm waiting for the English version because I don't want to miss out on this game's zaniness!
  17. You and Rich are both great guys indeed!
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