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Everything posted by StrykerOfEnyo

  1. yeah, those old PDF versions were great to have back then, but newer scans are ALWAYS a blessing.
  2. Electronics Boutique brings back memories. There was a mall I visited that had one, plus a Software Ect. that I would go to. I got my 3DO machine there in 1995 for $400, and then later they dropped the price to $300. I even qualified to get the difference back! So, I picked up Wing Commander III for $75 at that time. I still remember the price to this day because it was the most expensive retail game I paid for at the time. I wanted it bad.
  3. Please let "Max" know that we appreciate his donations very much, especially one member that has a huge boner for Ultra Game Players . Eh... maybe edit out that last part. And thanks @Rando1975 for the guides. I also agree -- you're a scanning machine. Here's to your number 1,500 coming soon.
  4. Thanks for donating several of these @matrixman. I had a subscription to Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine around the time they started doing demo discs for PS2 at least. Im not sure if this is a direct follow-up to OPM since they stopped in 2007, but it looks very similar. I missed out on this mag around release, so its GREAT seeing them. Great work as always @dablais. Many of the big mags were disappearing around 2009-2012 so its nice they were still making these back then.
  5. I hope these end up going at least bimonthly later on, but I wouldn't be surprised if it goes monthly by the end of 1995. I've been loving these so far, great work.
  6. Thank you for the donation, @hojusimpson. One of my favorites back then, I always love to see them again. Good work on the scanning and editing, @E-Day. I always think that I should just look up some ebay listings for these old mags and get some myself -- but the prices are easily double or triple the original newsstand price. So I thank you both for making it possible to see issues like this again without spending nearly $22US for each one.
  7. I don't remember this one being on Internet Archive, so GREAT find! This is meant to be their SECOND issue where they combined coverage of both Nintendo and Sega content. Before they had several publications, but this magazine was meant to be a merger of Game Players Strategy to Nintendo Games and Game Players Sega Genesis Guide. Originally owned by Signal Research, but they were shut down by investors for illegal investments. An investment group called GP Publications decide to revive the property, but after only a year, they were bought by Future Publishing from the UK. Future wanted to use two properties of theirs (Game Players and PC Gamer) to make their way into creating a North American publishing company, Imagine Media. The mag would change into Ultra Game Players in 1996 and last until 1998.
  8. thanks, one of my favorite mags back then. I don't recognize the cover, so this might be the only site that has it! (maybe)
  9. PSX wasn't one of my favorites back then, but I did occasionally buy them when it had an awesome cover, like this one. Its great being able to actually sit down and go through these today. Thanks, @dablais for editing many of these. Thanks also @TheRedEye for donating and scanning many of these, so far. I love looking at early PS1 mags. I hope they continue to be released.
  10. I love this. Yes, I'm a nerd. I never had the extra money to but Star Trek magazines back then, but I enjoyed seeing all the artwork and behind-the-scenes stuff. Once I finally saved up to get a subscription to the Official Star Trek Magazine (US) which was around $80 at the time -- then it was cancelled 3-4 issues later. Its great seeing this UK version. Thanks.
  11. I checked... those $120 worth of coupons expired just yesterday
  12. Thanks for these. I know they might not be as popular as others, but I think it great having this collection of Japanese mags available to the public that you owned. I don't know if digitizing mags is still as popular in Japan. I remember in one of your posts, you mentioned different services that would make copies of your physical mags for you, to save space at home. But I didn't know if they still do that. I know you don't see Japanese mags too often on the sites I visit, but that's only English-speaking magazine sites that I know about. Great job on the scan and editing @kitsunebi, as always.
  13. Another hole filled. It looks like we are only missing 5 issues (assuming they stop at 31). Thats great for a mag like this. I think I remember @dablais said he didn't have the whole set, so if it stops here with this issue, that's still a good-sized collection. Thanks for the hard work. I hope you get enough downloads from these to earn yourself a meal at McDonalds one day. Thats how the website works, right? You all work hard for the occasional free french fries and a Bic Mac? Man, what a great job!
  14. I spelled "you're" wrong, I'm sorry. I could change it... but I must learn to live with my mistakes. *edit: I didn't know I could quote myself. That's so cool.
  15. thanks for donating these @matrixman. I haven't gone to a Best Buy in 10+ years so I never saw these issues laying around, but it's nice seeing them all come out now. And @dablais, you know about my thoughts on you. I said something nice about you yesterday, so you already had your compliment for the week. Once a week? Does that sound fair? Otherwise, you will get too proud of yourself -- thinking your better than the rest of us. Uh, never mind. I can't starve you of my praise. Good job on the scan and editing. I can't stay mad at you.
  16. great name. I just noticed it 🤣.

  17. I actually loved my copy of Rambo (nes) . Navigation was a pain, but I liked the Zelda II elements it borrowed. The WORST games I regret buying were Star Wars: Masters of Tera Kasi (ps1) and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (360). I got them at full price, but I was so disappointed. I sold Quake Wars back to GameSpot a few days later for $22 (list was $50) -- I just wanted to get rid of it.
  18. I love these, so thank you. You always have a great balance of making a high-quality product at around 400 MB, or so. I can zoom in a good ways and it retains its quality. So many scans on Internet Database that are 600+ look very nice, but it can be a ridiculously-sized file for being only around 100 pages for an issue. I remember finding copies of a Japanese 3DO Magazine, which was awesome to see, but they were 1.1 GB each roughly, and it wasn't a big magazine (maybe 80 pages?). I don't know if these were an "uncompressed" version, with there being a smaller one also, but most of what I see around the 250-400MB range for 200 pages work fine for most purposes. Great work!
  19. hot damn! Uh. I mean... that's totally cool, I can control my emotions at all times.
  20. Thank you. Super Pro was one of my favs from the UK, and when one shows up here, I always download it. I always prefer the quality of the scans on this site, so thanks again for the others you have released.
  21. Thank you. GameFan was one of my favs back then, and when one shows up here, I always download it. I prefer the quality on this site, even if I found an issue elsewhere. If you have more, I'm sure other would love to see them.
  22. Thanks for the added info about the file. I really enjoy when someone takes the time to add a few descriptions of what's inside. You just earned one download for doing that. I hope when you cash out all your thumb-ups, likes, and directed traffic to the site because of your fine work; you don't forget about the little guys that gave you all those "thanks" from inside your new sports car. Good work, I never heard of this mag before. It looks like an interesting retro-themed read.
  23. Thanks for this. I remember having this issue, so it brings back a lot of memories. I hope you got a good break from posting on average 2-3 items nearly every day
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