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  1. Thanks for the response, it was much appreciated. I haven't spent much time with archive.org, but I'll check it out. Still plan on contributing here and at archive.org (if required) depending on the content I've got. Will be in touch soon.
  2. "Your content will need to be approved by a moderator" I guess no one is interested, I'll further add (iirc) I have ps1 demo cds, OG xbox official magazine demo dvds, ps2 official magazine demo discs, happy to make ISOs or other formats, depending on what you would like. I do have whole batch of PSW DVDs too, both UK and AUST I was looking at becoming a patron, however with the lack of a response, has got me thinking twice about all this. I guess until produce something, it'll fall on deaf ears. Sorry for the trouble
  3. Hi, As the subject states... While I am sitting on a gold mine, when it comes to magazines to be scanned. It got me thinking are you intested in cover items, most notably demo discs or alike? I did also once convert a VHS tape to DVD, from the first issue of Sega Saturn Magazine (iirc) Well that is all I have for now, please let me know when you get a moment, thanks.
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