Not sure if you've received answers to these yet, but if not...
a) The player's poll is indeed counted as pages 89 and 90
The Zelda map is counted as pages 35-36-37 (the Zelda map side) and the reverse is considered 38-39-40 (generic baseball artwork poster with box covers of RBI, MLB, and Bases Loaded flanking this artwork on the left side).
c) I can do so, one of the copies I own doesn't have an address label on the front.
d) If you mean a supplement to account for pages 89/90, no there's not. There is a subscription card area that accounts for pages 106-109.
e) Front page is page 001
Let me know if this helps. I love NP - I own issues 1-178, excluding issue 86. I'm certainly willing to de-bind the newer issues if they still need to be scanned.
There is also rumored to exist a "proto" issue #1 that has an illustration of the clay scene on the normal #1. You can see this mockup on page 002 - the female game counselor is reading it.