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Everything posted by Interesting

  1. You're welcome! Admittedly things have been incredibly stupidly busy on my end so I haven't gotten a chance to upload the scans to anything, but I'll put all the raw files on a Google Drive or something and then DM you the link if that's alright.
  2. So I managed to carefully un-bind the Consumer Guide's Strategy for Nintendo Games and during a long day of nothing at work, scanned each page in as a 600 dpi PDF. It's about 2 GB right now for everything but I have the raw scans now. they'll need some cleaning up now.
  3. I'll probably just stick with the one Consumer Guide one then, since it's coil bound with a wire and that's super easy to de-bind, scan, and reattach for me, and probably any of those other types that are similar. Other than that, I can at least offer to scan things on my own time later on (I work at a print shop so I'd have to do it while it's slow on my own time, which may take a while).
  4. For me it's more the preservation and being able to share the magazine than anything. I like the idea of being able to share it with a friend to enjoy, but it's also one of those things where I don't know where I'll run into another copy of these guides again, so I just like to be careful about these sorts of things.
  5. Still trying to work on the scan of that Consumer's Guide book I got. I initially scanned it all in a bit ago but noticed that there was either a hair or something in just about all of the pages. Despite my best efforts too, I also was trying to not un-coil the book to preserve it on my end too. I'm gonna undo the coil and try again once I get some more free time on my hands. Life's gotten in the way. Curious, has anyone been able to scan books and *not* take all the pages out to scan? Just in general. I'd be more than willing to scan some in my own collection, but I don't want to destroy them.
  6. I used to have that red magazine! I'm actually working on the yellow cover version of the Strategies for Nintendo Games, as I ended up finding it in a used game shop for dirt cheap a few years ago. I got it all scanned, I just have to make it look nice.
  7. I've had a great time revisiting the magazines of my video game obsessed kid days, though not like anything has really changed with me being obsessed with video games, ha ha! I enjoy the preservation aspect and do find game preservation to be very important, and it's nice to see that magazines and strategy guides are falling into that category too! I'm very indeed down with that and am willing to help with anything I haven't seen on the site in my eclectic, random assortment of magazines.
  8. I've got the entirety of "Strategies for Nintendo Games" that I own scanned (the Consumer Guide one), and I'm gonna be poking at it a bit to touch it up and hopefully submit it. Not gonna go too super crazy with the restoration (like I did with the How To Beat The Video Games cover), but I got the scans at 600 dpi and hopefully I'm gonna get it looking real good.
  9. This is a fix to the cover of the original scan of this well-loved book!
  10. I got the fix done but it's too big to post! Where should I submit it?
  11. Very cool! I'm poking a little bit at trying to see if I can do a rough patch job in Photoshop on the cover to clean it up and take care of some of the rips. It's not going to be perfect or pass too close scrutiny by someone who knows what they're doing, but it's a start.
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