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Everything posted by E-Day

  1. The first time I burned the stand down with fire. the next time I used termites to eat the wood. After that I dropped an airplane on the bottles.
  2. One time I put a most on either side of the picnic area. Another time I just picked up the sandwich and jumped around until the star appeared. The easiest way is to summon a fridge and put the sandwich in it.
  3. The first time around I killed the bee by shooting it with a gun. Then I dropped a toaster in the water to kill the fish. I used a hot air balloon to get the third flower. Another time around I used Titan to kill the bee and fish and a helicopter to get the last flower
  4. I gave the boy a sledge hammer. I also broke it myself with a firearm.
  5. Mask and monster work as well. What also works is if you pick up the pumpkin on the left and throw it at the kids.
  6. Glasses, telescope, magnifying glass. I didn't try it, but monocle will probably work too.
  7. You were lucky. The goalie usually blocks any attempts to score. The first time I wrote Soccer Ball, and then gave it to a robot, who eventualyl walked into the net. The second time, I summoned a soccer ball. As soon as it was on the ground the goalie rushed up and grabbed it and went back to the net and stood there. I summoned a girlfriend for the goalie, which did nothing. Then I summoned Titan, who proceeded to pound the hell out of the girl. The goalie got scared and ran into the net with the ball. Score. The third time I used a basketball, put a blindfold on the goalie, and threw the ball into the net. Score. The fourth time I handcuffed the goalie and threw a baseball into the net. Score.
  8. To clean up I used a mop, a broom, and a paper towel. I did the cleaning myself; I didn't think of giving the stuff to the guy. With the peel I have put it in the freezer; I also summoned a garbage can and a dumpster. Note: Getting a pig to eat the peel will not work. It will cause you to fail the level.
  9. No need to write money; just interact with the cash register. I used shopping cart, back pack, and bag.
  10. I did it with steak and soup, both which I cooked with the oven first. Then cola/milk/lemonade and pie/cake/ice cream. I tried throwing a water balloon at him to wash his meal down, but that didn't work. Next time maybe I will summon a cow, kill it and cook that. I wonder if that gets you more style points.
  11. I didn't think of using a cat. I grabbed the three rats on the main floor and put them in the oven (and then turned it on). Then I used a pair of wings to fly up to where the dog is and quickly grabbed the last rat so I could put that one in the oven too.
  12. You can feed the girl a whole list of things: eggs, cereal, toast...pretty much any breakfast food in the game. To wake the boy I used an air horn. I've also waken him up by throwing things at him, like a water balloon, a rock, a ball, and anything else you can throw that will hit him in the head.
  13. Game Players Issue "83" April 1996 and Ultra Game Players Issue "99" July 1997 are scanned. Six more magazines to go.
  14. I never really played this one. We had rented it once, and I remember finding it hard. I kept dying going from the one castles at the beginning and trying to cross the desert to get to the next destination. I was a sad sexual harrassment panda.
  15. I'll be buying a PS3 Slim soon to add to my Wii and 360. Eventually I want to get a DSi; That Flipnote Studio program looks like way too much fun to me. Then I can dedicated my Lite to GBA games
  16. Not yet, but I plan on it in the next few months. LittleBigPlanet is too fun to not play.
  17. I still own a Sega Master System, Genesis, Sega CD, Atari 2600, and Super NES.
  18. Looks like I will choose River City Ransom. Even if I don't like it, it's free . Butif it's similar to Double Dragon, I should like it fine.
  19. Peggle is awesome. I haven't played Tiki Towers, but I've heard it's just as good as World of Goo, but half the price (on WiiWare at least).
  20. I would. I haven't seen any abuse of all caps on these forums since i came here
  21. Is there a way to let the forum allow you to have two uppercase letters in a row in a topic title? Seeing final Fantasy Ii and Iv looks odd By the way, FF II was my first RPG, and it was fantastic.
  22. River City Ransom looks like a Double Dragon clone, made by the same company. double Dragon was fun
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