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Everything posted by E-Day

  1. YES! Then consider me the editor of those. No need to crop them or anything. Just scan the entire scanning bed at 300 dpi. that way it will be much wider than 1440 and 1600, so it will give me room to play with cropping and editing.
  2. I voted EGM, since the section is a bit bare with all the RAW scans removed and those terrible scans by azzardx. Once I am done scanning my magazines, I can try to salvage the EGMs you ran through the ADF, or you can rescan them on the flatbed
  3. So you're taking your ball and going home just because you were demoted? Stick around; it's not that big a deal :)

  4. I've gone to The Backloggery to help me keep track of the games that I beat and the games that I have waiting for me. It's quite handy.
  5. I think it's a standard size magazine. That is how I remember it. And it was a standard size after they dropped "& Computer Entertainment" from the title.
  6. I like that orange swirls idea in place of those ugly folders
  7. Since I have a preference for white, and more importantly because the console and bootup screen for the Dreamcast was white, I would go with that. Though, unless htere is a limit as to how mny themes you can have, you can make a light and dark theme for it. I like the theme in that last link the best. For Sony, since this is a retro magazine site, I would go with grey, and more grey, like the iriginal PlayStation. Dark grey for banners and headers, light grey for the BG. IT reflects the colours of the original and slim models of the PSOne.
  8. I actually updated the browser and used it for the first time in a year. I never used it before because it was near impossible on a CRT television, and because it was rather slow. Since then, I've acquired an HDTV, and the wireless router/modem is 3 feet from the Wii. So I decided to try the browser again. I used the Wii browser to go to the Xbox website and queue a demo for downloading. It was surprisingly fast; faster than my own computer or the computer here at work. So can anyone recommend a good NES game? None of the Mario games, since I have Super Mario All-Stars for the Super NES. I already have Excite Bike, Balloon Fight, Ice Climbers, and Kirby's Adventure. How are the Castlevania games? What are some of the other gems on that console?
  9. EGM2 Issue 27 September 1996 is scanned. Starting EGM2 Issue 30 December 1996 in the next day or two. This one could take a while as it's a 300-page fat whore.
  10. Super Mario World for me. It is one of the few games I enjoy playing as much today as I did back in 1992. Also in my top three are Super Mario Bros. 3 and New Super Mario Bros.
  11. I don't think they are decline anymore. For a while, they were almost non-existant, especially 2D platformers. I think platformers, especially 2D ones, are making a comeback. The Klonoa remake, LittleBigPlanet, new Super Mario Bros. Wii, Shadow Complex (that's somewhat a platformer); the Lego series of games has been popular, and lots of fun too. I think platformers already went through a decline and are now returning. If only first and third person shooters would decline. Then maybe we would be more variety in games.
  12. Final Fantasy VII. It was good, but it wasn't as good as everyone thinks they remember it being. VIII and IX were much better, IX probably being my favourite of the three.
  13. Colour. Black and white manuals just look cheap. I like to think that I am getting a little something extra for the $50-$60 I pay for a game.
  14. So what kind of arrangement are you hammering out? You are up to something with Steve Harris. That comment didn't leave much as far as "reading between the lines". It was rather blatant, which is unusual coming from you!
  15. The US is only the 9th fattest country in the world. But it's based on BMI, and BMI is bullshit (see Penn & Peller's Bullshit!, Season 5, episode 1 for more info on BMI). Not to mention that hoarding calories is what the human body is designed to do. Not to mention that being overweight or obese doesn't necessarily mean you are not healthy. For some people, because of genetics and such, being overweight is a healthy state for them, often more healthy for them in particular than if they were not overweight. As long as you exercise, you can be healthy without being your ideal body weight. Often, people who are overweight/obese that exercise (walking, jogging, working out, etc) are healthier than the skinny guy who doesn't exercise.
  16. That site is hilarious. Anything using meat as a bun is funny. As are some other ideas, like a brioche bun with cotton candy filling. Who comes up with these crazy ideas? Bacon Crust Pizza With Bacon! Too funny!
  17. E-Day

    Gaming Music

    That's a small list Never frequented RPGamers.net several years ago, or Gaming Force, huh?
  18. Gross. That meat is still a bit pink inside. Not to mention that the whole thing is just a massive coronary and 15lb overnight gain waiting ot happen.
  19. EGM2 Issue 26 August 1996 is scanned. Will be starting EGM2 Issue 27 September 1996 when I am feeling better.
  20. I shall do that, thanks. I remember first coming across that site in college in 1998 when our instructor talked about it.
  21. I knew it wouldn't be long until you replied, considering you work with building computers It is an interesting point you brought up about blocking the use of certain parts, which I had not considered. As well, I figured the Power Supply wouldn't be as good as one I would buy from ThermalTake or Cool Master, and I assumed the heatsinks would be the stock ones that come with the CPU. Those have pretty much always worked well enough for me (except in the summer when it got really hot). The other parts (CPU, motherboard, video card), are the same quality parts I could buy myself, which to me are the most important pieces since you buy a new computer for more power. Replacing the PSU and heatsink would not be a big deal unless, as you mentioned, those parts are blocked. More to consider, I guess As far as the tiny PC cases, they may be a bit too small to house what I want on the inside, and would surely make the build a bit more pricey since smaller parts usually mean higher price.
  22. I could do the same with a pre-built as well. While it would definitely be satisfying to build one myself, there is also a chance that I might break something in the process. I also have to keep in mind that even if I bought pre-built, I would still get a full version of Windows 7, because those pre-builts only ever come with a recovery disc, and it would allow me to wipe all the crapware what comes with the system. I was fiddling again with picking parts, and for $4o more, I could build a machine with the same CPU and video card, an extra 500 gig drive, Vista 64-bit OEM, DVD burner and blu-ray burner, but with less RAM, no monitor, no mouse/keyboard, no warranty, and a chance that I will do something wrong and break something . Of course, if I stick to my desire to get a very small computer case instead of a mid tower, that limits my options a lot more
  23. So I have started looking into a new computer in anticipation of dealing with HD video in the near future. I always dick around and see what building one would cost me, even when I am not looking for a new one. The other week, I did so, picking OEM parts from a local computer shop and tossing them into my virtual shopping cart to see what the damage would be. Needless to say, it was around $2000 with no monitor and no OS. 6GB or Ram, a Core i7 940 or 950, a couple of 1 terabyte hard drive, unfancy motherboard, unfancy video card, run of the mill case. Maybe I picked a Blu-ray burner ($200) along with a DVD burner. I can't remember. Meanwhile, at Futureshop (think of it as Canada's Best Buy, although they are now owned by Best Buy), for $1700 I can get an HP computer, with 9 gigs of ram, a Core i7 920, 23" monitor, NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250 card, Vista 64-bit, etc. So, apart from total customization, and the fact that the built computer won't be filled with HP bloatware, what is the advantage of building a computer myself for more money than buying one from a store already ready to go? Likewise, what is the disadvantage of buying a prebuilt machine from a store compared to building it myself, apart from the two items I mentioned?
  24. So I am not the only one who came for that then!

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