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Everything posted by E-Day

  1. And you missed Three Men and a Baby You're sick.
  2. I am sure my request was in since January You need an AV Receiver. That will give you more inputs, and surround sound (with additional speakers, of course). Money is no object!
  3. Yes. I find the Classic Controller too small. I also find the D-pad too small and too close to the left edge, which makes it feel weird when playing Super Mario World. A bigger D-pad would have been nice. Or a Classic Controller identical to the Super NES controller, but with those two analog sticks.
  4. Cracked and downloaded Super Mario World 2 nights ago, and got it playing properly last night with my HDTV.
  5. Got 'Splosion Man and A Kingdom for Keflings last night. Also have The Beatles Rock Band pre-ordered. and I might as well say I bought Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box now, since I will be getting it the instant it comes out next week. that way I don't have to post again
  6. Ferkner. I already have Mister Zero on my list. I have been waiting for Phillyman's approval for most of this year until I canceled the request
  7. EGM2 Issue 21 is scanned, and issue 24 is also almost scanned (will be done tonight). After that it's issue 26, I believe.
  8. I don't find it that big a deal. It's not like your hands are clean when you are grabbing the utensils or touching your food. I am not one to sterilize myself or my surroundings. Or even my 3-year-old. Germs and dirt are good for you, and him. some doctors think that a lot of kids are allergic to peanuts because when they were much younger, they weren't exposed to enough germs. Lack of exposure meant the antibodies meant to fight germs had nothing to fight. So when they come across peanuts, which contain proteins not found in other foods, the antibodies overreact and attack those proteins. People sterilize everything for their kids these days when they are meant to come into contact adn fight off germs. This, I do not sterilize myself. A little dirt never hurt
  9. Areala basically had it right. Scans of old video game magazines. Nothing is better than to see scans of Nintendo Power from 1988 to appreciate the phrase "awesome graphics". I just thought that everyone, at least in North America and Europe, would know what French looked like. Maybe that is because I live in Canada and cannot get away from that language, but I know what Spanish looks like when I see it . As an interesting side note, Poil, the name of the site, is the correct spelling, at least in France, for Body Hair. I don't know if they use that word here or note, but if they due, it's an odd choice for a URL.
  10. E-Day

    Add A Redirect Page

    As long as the 404s redirect somewhere, you're good to go
  11. I think it's just that weird Java more than IE. I have used this new system in IE 7 and IE 8, and it is plenty fast.
  12. You'll almost certainly get much better results by scanning the magazine rather than taking photos of it.
  13. Does Media Player not rip CDs in Windows Vista? I use Media Player 11 in XP to rip to WAV and MP3. CDex is another program I used to use for Audio CD ripping. I assume it will run in Vista...
  14. According to http://www.westegg.com/inflation/, $200 in 1977 was $702.72 last year. No wonder I love watching The Price is Right from the 70s and being amazed at how dirt cheap everything was.
  15. Boy, am I glad I am not you when it comes to this stuff. I commend you for not going apeshit on anyone or anything during all this. I probably would have!
  16. More specifically, Premiere Elements chugs along when it has to index and create thumbnails for the timeline when I am working on piecing together all the clips that go into a 2.5 hour DVD. I have an old school Pentium 4 running at 3Ghz, and 2 gigs of PC-3200 RAM, with 2 gigs being the most the board supports. For free space, I used to make my swap space drive the D drive, since the C drive was only 80 gigs. The D drive was 250 gigs, but there was always about 90 gigs free. I never let it get below 20 gigs of free space simply because I don't want to get stuck burning disc after disc of data in one shot . I am not sure how quickly Premiere would function now since I added those two SATA drive I bought from Phillyman. On a similar not, my computer can barely run a 1080p video downloaded from the web. I tried it out with a sample clip off some site. Needless to say, it doesn't play smoothly at all. Premiere elements isn't terribly demanding on a system or the most part; not nearly as bad as Adobe After Effects, which is what I think I will need to achieve some of the effects in that music video. Anyhow, a new computer will mean Windows 7, which, according to what I have been reading, will be a great OS to use.
  17. I think the Windows 7 betas are supposed to die in March, or the end of it. It's not that my current system couldn't run 7; it doesn't need to, nor do I want to buy a new OS for it because of its age. It would last me a few more years if I wasn't planning on shooting home movies in HD, and then editing them into fun DVDs (or Blu-rays in the future). Even with SD content using Adobe Premiere Elements, my computer chugs along slowly when I have all the video clips in the time line for a 2.5 hour disc. HD would be near impossible. And considering I want to make some sort of music video of my brat for fun to closely mimic this Republica music video, I can only assume I'll need something more capable and demanding than Premiere Elements . A Core i7 is definitely what I was planning on getting, and instead of hunting down a new copy of XP which will have limited support by then, or a obese, bloated copy of Vista, I will jump into 7. I am just glad that it's getting all sorts of praise from all sorts of people
  18. So Maximum PC has reviewed Windows 7, giving it 9 out of 10 and a Kick Ass designation. I still use XP, and was interested in Vista before it came out. But after reading about it, and finally using it, I decided I didn't like it much. It felt very clunky and bloated. After reading about Windows 7, and the comments from people who really like it, I am looking forward to it. While it still looks flashy and is back to the blue task bar, it's also apparently as fast as XP. Mind you, after I install all my programs on my computer, XP isn't all that fast anymore, but my computer is also getting older. so is anyone planning on moving to Windows 7 this year, or next? I would like to get a new computer within the next year to handle the video editing I do (and the editing I will hopefully be doing in HD), so I plan on getting Windows 7. And not the "I'll test it out for free for 6 years" kind of getting it. It will be a nice legitimate copy, which will be nice to have. It look like it will make up for what Vista didn't do and didn't do that well.
  19. Seems to be just you, though the Quick Reply responds faster to me clicking it at work than it does at home (faster computer at work).
  20. E-Day

    Remi Gaillard

    Nevermind that. If you watch a lot of his videos, you'll see he is always harassing the police. In the Kangaroo one he took the policeman's hat and tried to jump on it. I am pretty sure that that is worth an arrest. There is another one where he is putting shaving cream on the windshields of cars about to get a ticket so the meter maid can't put the ticket on it. The cops were called there. Or the Mario Kart one where he got pulled over by the cops, but them hopped in his go-cart and took off. Not sure if those are things I would want to be doing
  21. E-Day

    Add A Redirect Page

    This is something I came across this morning... I don't know if any members have actually done this, but if anyone had bookmarked http://www.retromags.com/forums/forums.html, they are greeted by a Error 404 page. Some people may take this as the site being gone. The odd one out of that group may not think to search for Retromags. So what if instead of the 404 page, there was a page that says the URL changed, and after a few seconds it automatically redirects the person to the new URL? Naked Prince likes the idea. By the way, the title should end in a question mark. I forgot to put one, and with the new system it seems like I can't change the title.
  22. After the second season is pretty much when they stopped the storyline about Stewie trying to take over the world and having him try to kill Lois. I think that is also when they did more pop culture jokes instead of the racially sensitive jokes, which were always funny because it was a "Holy cow, how can they say that on TV?", reaction.
  23. Strictly VC, I have downloaded Balloon Fight, Excite Bike, Ice Climbers, Kirby's Adventure, Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Bonk's Adventure, Bonk's Revenge, Mario Golf 64, Kirby's Dream Land 3..I think that is all of them. I think the WiiWare list of what I downloaded is longer. I've been tempted to download Super Mario World, even though I own it. But downloading it so I can play when the urge comes over me is mucho easier than digging out my Super NES and the game.
  24. No NES here. So I will have to stick with Super Mario World, or Alex Kidd in Miracle World
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