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Everything posted by E-Day

  1. so it's like $5.00? That's insanely awesome. For people wanting a subscription when this deal is not on, Best Deal Magazines has subscriptions for $12.95. Even works for Canadian residents, with some sneakiness Best Deal also has Game Informer subscriptions for $6 for those who don't go to GameStop and get an Edge card. The site has some really great deals.
  2. This came in handy tonight as there was a question abot Ralphy baby on 1 vs 100 tonight on Xbox Live. It was a video game trivia show. I was surprised at how many questions pertained to Nintendo, even in the general trivia games. Tonight, only 1 question asked about a PS3 exclusive game (inFamous).
  3. I didn't know sister was spelled with a Y . Cool stuff. I wonder if Joystiq or those animals at Kotaku will pick this up.
  4. It gets it perfectly most times, before I taped black construction paper to the lid on the inside. Since then it crops around the excess c.paper. But without it, yeah, it did a really good job almost everytime. But because EGM used the cheapest, thinnest paper possible, almost every page bleeds through, so the construction paper is a necessity. Otherwise cropping in photoshop would be very minimal. Now I just have it scan the whole bed. I haven't tried it with a stapled magazine. With those I suspect it would crop around the edge except where the staple is. It looks for the white background of the lid and crops around anything that isn't it. And it does a hell of a job printing photos too.
  5. Sega didn't keep dropping magazines. They had Sega Visions, which, while it sometimes didn't come out on a regular schedule, stayed Sega Visions for its whole run. Before that, they had their small Sega Challenge newsletter thingy. I remember getting a couple of those, one with Altered Beast on the cover. I am surprised they are not available on here.
  6. Amateur fool! Sonic CD was on the November 1993 issue of EGM, number 52. The fattest EGM I remember is issue 65, December 1994, which was 403 pages or something. As far as game magazines, a lot of them still get info before the internet, and lots of sites only get the info after the magazine is released. I am happy reading current magazines. I find reading info from a magazine a lot more enjoyable than reading from a website. Plus I am happy to support print media. Sure, the layouts are boring as hell and generic, but I guess it's cheaper for printing that way.
  7. You can't compare this to a regular retail game since it was never a retail game. This is a true collector's item for a real collector.
  8. After making enough money selling a bunch of retro gaming stuff on eBay to afford me an HDTV and all the fixings, I have some unsold items that I would rather unload than put back in storage. The following unsold scrap is available: Sega Dreamcast 2 Deamcast Keyboards (1 is new, and 1 is like new) NFL 2K - complete NFK 2K1 - complete (Sega All-Stars release) NHL 2K - complete (Sega All-Stars release) Sega Saturn Mad Catz Advaned Control Pad Daytona USA - complete NFL 97 - complete Pebbe Beach Golf Links - complete Sega Genesis (All complete) NHL Hockey NHLPA Hockey '93 NHL 94 NHL 95 NHL 96 Lotus II World Series Baseball Super Monaco GP II F22 Interceptor Art Alive Stormlord Buster's Hidden Treasure Sega Master System (All complete) Great Golf Thunder Blade Action Fighter World Grand Prix Shanghai Choplifter Sony Playstation Chrono Cross - complete (Greatest Hits release) Sony PSone system complete in box with everything that comes with it new Sony Playstation 2 Brand New PS2 Slim power supply. Send along a private message if ou are interested in any of this stuff.
  9. Yeah, the lack of posts on AVSforum about the Samsung that aren't talking about the buzzing some of the sets make leads me to believe that I should stick with the Panasonic even though it is $500 more. Though users on Amazon give the B55 (almost identical to the 530), a good rating overall, though users on Futureshop's site give the S1 a much better rating. If they were closer in price I would get the S1 without hesitation, but $50 is a lot of money, especially when I still need to buy surround sound speakers.
  10. Ayone have a Samsung PN50B50 plasma or similar model? I am thinking about getting that instead the Panasonic TC-P50S1 I was planning since it's $500 cheaper. But from user reviews and other reviews I have been reading, the Panasonic seems to be the better TV. I just have to figure out if it's $500 better, or if the Samsung is good enough. Anyone with experience with the Samsung?
  11. He pretty much answered the questions like a politician: he answered them without really answering them. Lots of generalized stuff, and nothing specific. And I find his twitter page more useful than his Facebook page, which he doesn't really seem to post to.
  12. 6 foot, and 230 lbs. I am not saying I can eat Burger King everyday or eat 2 pounds of candy a day. But I can eat without counting calories or worrying that my portions are too big. Not that I will continue to do this blindly. Even 5 years ago, I didn't have to worry too much about what or how I was eating and I would never go above 220. Though time, age, and possibly my victorious dieting competitions caused my limit to go up by 10lbs.
  13. Through crash diet competitions with my friend in 2005 which included insane excercising, I was able to lose 20lbs in 28 days (February), and then lose another 12 lbs in April. I was a sexy 188.5 lbs, which was nice being 6'0" tall. However, it all slowly crept back on me over a year. If you don't maintain a diet, changed eating habits, exercise, or whatever you did t olose weight, it will come back as your body wants to be a certain weight. I can basically eat however I want right now, and I will not go over the weight I am now. However, going below the weight I am now is a real challenge. The thing with me is that I am impatient. If I do not see results right away I become frustrated. I want to see more than 2 lbs a week; otherwise I don't think anything is happening. If I weigh myself every day and see a drop of 0.5 to 1 lb a day, I am happy and very motivated. Otherwise I get discouraged and stop being so disciplined. I know that 0.5 to 1 lb a day is too mch too quickly, but if I don't see it, then I feel the changes I am making are not doing anything. Retromags should have a contest among members looking to become beautiful whereas the person who loses the most weight wins something. It would have to be an honour system, but it could still be fun.
  14. Editing is 60%. It will only take a couple more nights of editing for it to be done if that. The problem is finding the evenings to do it.
  15. I've read that the S1 and G10 are pretty similar. The G10 is supposed to use a slightly better image processoror womething, and has that VieraCast thing. But you can get a similarily fantastic picture on the S1 by breaking it in.
  16. That I haven't really decided on. Either the TC-P50S1 of the TC-P50G10.
  17. Oh man. What a great show that was. It was Mr Wizard that taght me that a hollow plastic pole is stronger than a solid one because it has more surface area, and proceeded to prove it by showing how little it bent with dumbbell weights on it compared to the solid one. Gnarly.
  18. That sounds about right. I just didn't know the word for it.
  19. I've pretty much decided on a 50" Panasonic plasma and a Yamaha 7.1 receiver which has more inputs than Nina Hartley.
  20. I'm listening to his music right now, and it feels different from before, and weird. I don't know how to explain it.
  21. Those other two don't really have an effect on me. The only time I saw McMahon was on those Publishers Clearing House commercials and TVs Bloopers and Practical Jokes with Dick Clark. Farah Fawcett...I only know her by name, really.
  22. I just started listening to him again a few months aog. I was looking forward t ohim making a comeback even though his later music wasn't my type. Very sad. He had quite the rollercoaster life of ups and a lot of downs :(
  23. I know. It sucks. I was hoping that his London concerts would go well so he'd tour worldwide. I would have gone to see him. I knew he had health problems for years, but this was completely unexpected. :(
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