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Everything posted by E-Day

  1. Thanks. It sucks that I need the storage room they are currently taking, but what can you do. Honestly, I would never get around to playing all the games I will be putting up.
  2. I am pruning my game collection in a big way. I am only keeping the games I want and/or like, so everything else is being sold off on eBay. Right now I have some Saturn and Dreamcast stuff that ends on the 21, as well as a bunch of Sega CD and 32X games. Click here and spend lots of money! I will also be putting up a large number of my Genesis games and some systems in the next couple of weeks. After that will be Master System games.
  3. Since The Sims 2 had an Ikea expansion, I wonder if this version will have similar expansions. Sears appliances, JC Penny clothes. They could milk this even more than they did with Sims 2.
  4. I love Wal-Mart (and I also loved the episode of Penn & Teller Bullshit! about Wal-Mart). I haven't heard about trade-in kiosk's coming here (Canada). Either way, it's not likely something I would take advantage of since I don't really trade games in (when I do, it's at EB when they have some kind of good promo going on. Futureshop buys and sells used games, but I never go there for that. Amazon is awesome too, and I order a lot of stuff from them, but a lot of times I just want to get out of the house and buy something in person, or just browse. Brick and mortar stores will always be around. People will always want to go to a real store. Wal-Mart doesn't seem to have the omnipresence here that they do in the US; they closed all their Sam's Club warehouses a couple months ago up here. Sometimes nothing beats just going to the movies. Even if you can watch everything at hom on a big HDTV, it's still not the same as seeing it on a huge screen at the theatre, regardless of whether you buy popcorn and a drink or not. This is especially true when movies like Monsters vs Aliens and Up are released in 3D and in IMAX 3D. Movies like that HAVE to be seen at the theatre.
  5. I just read about that magazine somewhere this morning or last night. it lasted 4 issues.
  6. Once again, the "dead" media format of the printed magazine gets the jump on the so-called future, the internet. Take THAT.
  7. I feel the same way. I first thought the name Wii was very odd and a bad choice. But it turns out that it was a good choice. Plus everyone knows what you are talking about when you mention Wii. Not sure that would have happened with the name Revolution.
  8. Why? Let people live their lives how they want, as long as they are not breaking the law or hurting anyone. If someone created something, they have every right to benefit from that thing for as long as they are alive.
  9. Not to worry. When looking at a Panasonic Plasma and a couple LCDs playing the same movie, I liked the plasma better. the colours looked richer, and it didn't have that jittery look to it. the only thing I saw better than a plasma was a Samsung LED TV, which looked fecking amazing. But at $4499 for a 55", that won't be happening. With Panasonic, it's either 46, 50, or 58. For my livingroom, I measured that I could do up to 58" based on where I would be sitting. But the cost might mean I get a 50", which is still plenty big based on where the couches are.
  10. It's kind of funny. If I was a company, I would probably do the same thing just to make them pay, so to speak, for voilating copyrights and trademarks that I owned.
  11. Bought Klonoa for the Wii last week, and Donkey Kong Jungle Beat should be sitting in my mailbox right now from amazon.ca. I plan on buying a HDTV this year, most likely a panasonic plasma. In order to do so, though, I am cutting my retro game collection severely. Instead of having a pile of games for all the old systems I have, I am only keeping the games I like, as well as the systems I like. It will also free up some storage space
  12. PooTube is fine since it's not network sactioned like Hulu. It probably has to do with distribution rights for licensing of stuff used in shows. I know that the last two volumes of Space Ghost Coast to Coast would not be shipped out of the US because of this.
  13. To me it seemed to be from the point of view of someoen at IGN telling the history of what happened. And I don't consider Kalinske and Stolar as the people who made Sega fail. It seems like it was the Japanese bigwigs, and the story wasn't from their point of view.
  14. I'd vote for the first one on each console. That red-headed guy looks way to "metrosexual". Not someone you really want representing fighters, I wouldn't think.
  15. I asked about that a while ago in the comments on that blog, and Mielke said that he still needed the okay from Ziff, or whoever, since it was still their property. I guess he planned on releasing it regardless since he was out of a job. Since he was kept on to work on the 1Up site, he probably can't do that anymore.
  16. Time to get an LCD, man. It will make editing scans much easier as you'll be able to see much clearer.
  17. Probably because Mario Kart Wii just came out last year. They really need to stop with this lazy agenda of re-releasing games with sometimes minimal control changes and actually release new games. While The Metroid games would probably really benefit from Wii controls, and benefit more than any of the other games on that list, they need to stop this. Instead of being lazy with Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, they should have released a new Donkey Kong game, like, say, Donkey Kong Country 4 or something.
  18. It certainly was a great time to be into video games, and to read game magazines. Even though gaming is bigger now, it's just not the same. Instead of being focused on fun games with good gameplay, nowadays the "big" games all involve violence, gore, and shooting.
  19. Issue 2 of EGM2 is done and uploaded. My next circus trick will be to rescan EGM2 Issue 5.
  20. Oh, they had some classics! I liked that they threw one in for old times in their Retrospective section in the June 09 issue.
  21. I am running a 19" Widescreen LCD at 1440x900. It looks okay if I have my browser maximized, but I never do that. Even so, the center column looked too obese. It looks a lot better now
  22. It's the same because of the images from that Super NES Buyer's Guide that you put up. Putting two side-by-side is too wide for that box.
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