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Everything posted by E-Day

  1. I read Bret's book a while ago. I just never remembered that part until you mentioned it. Makes a lot of sense. Perhaps Vince takes someones word and a handshake to heart, and might consider it important enough a gesture as to not deal with the person who breaks their word even if there is a lot of potential money. Though time heals (almost) all wounds. Hall of Fame for Savage next year.
  2. It's people insisting on living beyond their means that has caused problems. Mortgages with no downpayment that they cannot afford, leases on cars, debt for furniture and niceties. I don't mean a little beyond their means, like buying a couch from Leon's and financing it. I mean financing everything or putting everything on credit. Time for everyone to pull back and remember that after you have money left over from the necessities and saving, that that should be your non-essentials budget. People don't seem to save up for things anymore like they used to. Now they just borrow the money.
  3. Isn't Mayor Tortimer a non-playable character in the game? After reading that articles on Kotaku, it seems like the ones issuing this warning don't really know anything about the game or how playing online with it works. I don't pay attention to the media anymore when they blame everything on video games.
  4. Now multiply that trillion dollar illustration by 11, and that is how much the US national debt is. You guys are never going to get out of that one. According the the US National Debt clock, it seems to increase by $100k every 2 seconds.
  5. I have yet to play it, so I cannot say it is good yet
  6. Any costume that includes one of his incredibly glittery robe! Was anyone else sorta disappointed with the demo? For me, the controls take a lot of getting used to. And some aspects of the presentation bother me, probably because I am very picky about the old school stuff and think it should have been recreated to the tee.
  7. Finally, a good Wii game from Sega. I bought this game on Wednesday, and finally found time to play it tonight, even if for only 40 minutes. Quite fun, and quite red. It's probably a good thing they made the game black and white, as it really dehumanizes the people you are cutting in half and impaling onto spikes in brutal fashion. Had they made the game look realistic, the gore probably wouldn't be as amusing or funny. Anyone else pick this game up yet, or plan on picking it up? It's nice to get a game that isn't a party game compilation or a crap Sega title.
  8. I miss the actual magazines. The ones today aren't the same. Bland layout, thin like a supermodel. They aren't as exciting anymore. Maybe that has to do with me being an adult now, but I doubt it. I still get excited when I reread an old article from a magazine from 15 years ago. The internet sure has ruined things. But magazines still do get the info before the internet. Many games were talked about in Nintendo Power recently before they were mentioned on the web. Even A Boy and His Blob was unknown until Nintendo ruined the surprise by putting a couple pages from the article in the most recent magazine on their site.
  9. do you remember around what issue or year they took that potshot at GamePro with the Atari special?
  10. I only read EGM a couple times a year, so I missed that. Another example of their high horse arrogant attitude, it seems to me.
  11. But they aren't around, and that is because they sucked . I was never fond of their holier than thou attitude, as though the gaming media began and ended with them.
  12. The game will be incomplete to me until Macho Man is added as a character through a downloadable update. That is, if this game even turns out to be any good.
  13. I was going to download this demo yesterday since I have been watching this game since I first heard about it, but you have t o be a gold member to download it right now. Animals. Now that the WWE and Randy Savage have patched up their little fued, there's a chance he could be added as a downloadable character at some point. I am almost certain they will release downloadable updates to this game.
  14. Over here maybe. But in Japan, where these companies are based, Final Fantasy played distant second fiddle to Dragon Quest.
  15. See, why would I want three digital copies of the same thing when the one copy I buy on DVD or Blu-ray won't get erased? Seems like a lot more work copying it to two different locations than it is to have one hard copy. And if all your magazines are digital, what happens when you feel like reading an actual magazine outside, or on the couch, without wanting a piece of electronics tied to you? You can't. The older I get, the less I want to be dependent on a computer or the internet or digital media. I like having DVDs on shelves as a collection, like I do with my games. Everyone seems to becoming more and more dependent on their electronic gizmos and computers; they can't live without their dumb cellphone or an internet connection. I like my internet connection, but if I had to, I could do without it. And I also love my old fashioned rotary phone. If I could have every physical issue of GamePro and EGM, I would do so. But that would get very expensive to do, so I settle for digital copies.
  16. I like having physical copies of movies, shows, and games...even magazines, over digital copies that only exist as 1s and 0s that can easily be erased from a hard drive. I will never ever support digital distribution only, and if I have the choice between a digital copy and a hard copy, I'll pick the hard copy. However, ripping everything onto a mega hard drive in a media center computer is intriguing, though you'd need several hard drives and many terabytes to house everything. Unless you downgrade the quality; then there is no point watching it on a nice TV
  17. My system is a Philips home theatre in a box. It was only $200. Far from high end, but it gives great output compared to not having a Home theatre. eventually I want a higher end, more pricey one when I get a bigger house where i can have a home theatre room. Experts who cannot hear the difference between an MP# and a WAV (unless that wav was created from the MP3) are not much experts! Uncompressed audio has a wider range than an MP3, even at 320 As far as I know, vinyl doesn't degrade. At least not like cassettes which are completely magnetic. If you are rough with the turntable needle on the record, or are rough with the record and get it scratched, then it does degrade. But I don't think normal us of playing a record on a good turntable with a good needle with degrade the record. But I am no vinyl expert
  18. They should go back to being just Squaresoft, and use the Enix and Edios names in the same way Acclaim used LJN, Flying Edge, and Arena in the 80's and 90's. Adding another name to Square Enix will make the name even worse than it already is.
  19. Wow. Compared to later issues that were well put together and designed, this one looks like amateur hour. It's interesting to see how a magazine develops from the first issue to later on in its life.
  20. CDs don't have that rich sound that vinyl does. That's probably why why hasn't died out completely like the cassette tape has.
  21. I'm in the 0.1% of people who can tell the difference . I listen to mp3s when I am on the bus or at my computer, but I absolutely refuse to listen to MP3s on my home theatre. That's like watching YouTube crap on a 1080p TV: a total waste! If albums were released on DVD-Audio discs instead of ho-hum CDs, I would be buying a lot more albums instead of downloading the songs I like in crusty MP3 format. MP3 is good enough for what I use it for. Just like JEPGS are good enough for what we are doing here. If I want a printed copy of a magazine, I am not going to print off a scanned version from here; I'm going to buy an actual issue off eBay or somewhere. Since these scans aren't being printed, they are perfectly fine for viewing on a computer monitor
  22. I have to take a break from that game for a few days as my arm and elbow hurt now from playing it too much yesterday.
  23. I had no problems when playing the Western levels where you need to shoot a pistol at the bad guys. But when I was required to throw bombs ant incoming bears and raccoons trying to steal gems, that is where the controls screwed me over. After flicking the remote to throw the bomb, the game wasn't fast enough detecting that my cursor was pointing back at the screen instead of off screen. So on most of those levels I only managed to get bronze, and in some cases, just barely. Idislike those levels and the shooting ones with the laser. I adore the ones where you have to dismantle things and blow things up. BUt anything witth shooting flying blox or repelling incoming hordes annoy me.
  24. JPEGS are fine for what we are doing. IT's not like we are scanning these magazines for printing, where something other than jpg would be better. But since these are for displaying on a 72 dpi computer screen, you are not going to see any difference between the two unless you are zoomed in 100%. And because magazines are scanned at 300dpi, you will only see a tiny bit of the page at once, so no one would really be zoomed in 100% anyways.
  25. There is not a scratch on the disc. When when I stay on a menu screen, it's constantly reading the disc. I don't think it caches anything on the system since there are zero load times. That might be why it constantly does that. Anyhow, I tried the game again with the regular sensor bar and adjusted the sensitivity to 5. Same problem as before. Often, after I flick a bomb at the bears/raccoons trying to take my gems, the cursor remains stuck. Sometimes I have to smack the remote to get the cursor moving again (there is nothing wrong with either of my remotes), sometimes waving the remote around wildly gets the cursor moving again, and sometimes after several seconds the cursor starts moving on its own again. Needless to say, it interferes greatly with the levels where you have to throw bomb balls at moving adversaries trying to get you or get your gems. The rest of the levels seem to work fine. Another annoyance with the game are the shooting levls where you have a laser gun and have to shoot point blox flying through the air. Anytime you hit A to shoot, the cursor moves. Terribly annoying. I might just play through the non-annoying fun levels, and forget about the rest of them. I have plenty of other games to play. Hopefully they fix these problems with the upcoming party bash.
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