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They look kind of similar...they're tables
I'm still waiting to be given LAST week's scan for editing
I think that was the plan on the wiki. Sega Visions pages has that kind of table; if I understand you correctly.
I probably shouldn't have watched that on my work computer at the government.
Care to take care of the UK magazines? I am completely unfamiliar with any UK magazine. Except when I read a Retro Gamer in a bookstore once.
The excel ones? I figured with many people owning many magazines, there was no real way yet to figure out who has what and what is missing. Now we'll know. After looking at the wiki, a similar thing can be done with the indexes on there, as kbf suggested to me, but with BillyReseller seeming to watch us, perhaps that's not a great idea.
Those are horrendously outdated. I'll have to update the EGM and GamePro ones
I wouldn't bother with page numbers either; just the actual content from the table of contents. Much like it is now, but laid out a bit neater. I'll leave whatever isn't on the WIP as in your hands as missing for now.If an auction comes up and it's passed up because the thing says we have it, and we don't, well...that would kind of suck
I can play around a bit with one page to see if the wiki can even do what I described. Plus I want t oget familiar with how the page code in the wiki works I think the very very first step is for everyone who has magazines in their possession to write down what they have, and send it to me. I will keep track of who has what, what's already up, and what is missing. That way when something comes up on eBay, we'll know what we need and what we don't. Phillyman, I know you have a bunch of Game Players and Game Informers, but no one knows which ones. I plan on making a chart for each magazine like I did for EGM.
Not quite. some pages have the magazine index on them, and some don't. I think they all should. I'd kind of layout the information differently than it is. Having two columns of headers and points makes it look jumbled. Maybe have the stuff under the headers use two columns, but have everything listed as though it was 1-column. Having two headers besides each other looks a bit cramped. And I'd add a link to the download for each specific issue as well. One stop access, baby!
Jesus...that's a lot! I'll take into account the 1999 and earlier issues only. But don't get rid of those 2000 and later issues
So how are we going to go about the wiki? Clean start? Fix what is there? What about a standard of how info should be displayed? A magweasel-type index on each page for easy navigation, or just "Next" and "Previous" links? I think we should agree on some sort of common formatting before diving head on into this.
If you can copy and paste your list here as well, that would be great
With the moderators talk about spring house cleaning and small renovations for the site, I thought it would be a good idea to get organized concerning the magazines that are missing. I am starting to compile charts for each magazine on Retromags, so it is easier for everyone to keep track of what is on the site and in possession of members, and what is missing. If you have any magazines that you bought to contribute to this site that are from 1999 or earlier, or have some from years ago that you are willing to donate, please let me know here. That way I, and others looking at obtaining issues for the site, don't end up buying something that another member already has (unless they want to buy the magazine for themselves, that is ). Hang onto any 2000 or later magazines. While we don't accept them here at the moment, one day we will. Even if you have magazines that are not on this site yet but would like to share, by all means let us know. If we know what we have, then it is easier for everyone to know what we need. I'll be making charts to easily illustrate what is missing, as I have done in the EGM thread
I will help with that while editing the mek1 GamePros . Is the FAQ about the wiki done? Actually, we should agree on how each page should be set up. Should we do what magweasel did and have the entire index on each page for easy trekking?
I think meppi's idea is best: leave azzardx's scans up for now, but make them a priority for replacement ASAP. As for those Total GameBoy Color issues, because no one can replace them, maybe they should stay for now, protected under a grandfather clause or something until they can be replaced. If only they were post-1999 issues... I have no interest in them, so if they are deleted, you won't hear a peep from me. How so? All the magazine's info is on the wiki page; Table of Contents, cover, maybe a blurb about the issue. Add a link to the download page for that issue and the forums, and you're set. You want the user to do as little clicking as possible in order to get to where they want. Web Design 101 . The only downside is the wiki's terribly boring look and layout. But it's a simple layout, and simplicity is king.
Is there a way to have those posts expandable? That way if one is really really long, it won't take up a good chunk of the page. I know other sites use expandable boxes in that manner. I was wondering if it's possible here. That way stories will stay on the front page longer. If the wiki gets sorted out and filled in, I don't think an HTML version of the site is needed. Every page could have a link to the downloadable file (if applicable), and a link to the forums. If more emphasis is put on the wiki and it's got all the information instead of blank pages, then it will make it easier for users and newcomers to find what they want. Speaking of the wiki, I think it would be easiest and simplest to start all the pages from scratch instead of trying to fix what is there now. It may be a bit more work, but as far as keeping track of what is done and what is not, it will be easier. For the portal page, the only links you really need there are "Downloads" or "Magazine Downloads (whatever you want to call it), "Wiki", and "Forums". I don't think there needs to be links to the shoutbox and attack shop and all that stuff on that page. Emphasizing those three links will simplify the navigation and make it easier on prople to find what they want. All those other crazy links can be in the actual forum. For the wiki pages, what about adding the month/year into the title? Such as Nintendo Power Issue 1 (July/August 1988), as it appears on the cover. Not everyone will know what issue number their favourite poster was in, but they might know what month and year it was. I didn't know what issue of GamePro my beloved Sonic 2 poster was in, but I knew about what month it was. Anyhow, what is everyone's opinion on removing/leaving azzardx scans up? I know it's harsh, but it kind of looks bad on us. And ifthey are removed, I can change my xls file before making a EGM sticky post showing what we are missing.
stay away from M&M Kart Racers. Even at $10 it's a ripoff. Spend more and get Mario Kart. Another fun game that can be played together and alone if Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz. You should still get Mario Galaxy, even if it's just for yourself. Excellent game. Though if you don't want your kids playing for hours, you shouldn't have gotten a game console at all
1) Yes please. Get rid of those stupid nfo files. I hate making them, and I never look at them. All that information should be contained in the wiki anyhow for anyone who is looking for somethign specific. 2) Yes, sure. 3) Yes, sure. 4) Agreed 5) Agreed 6) I was using the WIP, but it was an afterthought. I made my work in progress thread the place where I kept track of what I was doing and always ended up updating that first and then going to the WIP afterwards when I remembered. It was a good idea in theory. But because it's a whole seperate site and not really integrated with the main site, it didn't catch on. I know that I don't like having to go to another site to keep track of what I am doing here. Member's work in progress threads and the wiki should be where everything is documented. 7) Yes, you suck . Kidding. It seems like there are a lot of parts on the site that are only half completed. Perhaps we should make a lit of what is incomplete and some of us can work on those things. 8) I think that a lot of time should be spent working on the wiki, even if it means not as many magazines are getting scanned. It could and should be the best resource on the web for information on old gaming magazines. It will take a lot of work. Maybe most of it should be started from the beginning again if it is a mess. To be honest, I never go into the wiki because there is no link on the forums page to it. The only link is on the portal page on the left, and it's crowded in by lots of other stuff. 9) I agree that the three digit naming convention should go. While it makes sense and works for lists that are generated by a script, they are otherwise unnecessary. No one searching for Game Players Issue 9 is going to type 009 in Google, which is the only way our site will come up. With HTML pages and lists, three digits aren't needed since we will be ordering everythign manually. 10) What I think you do is try to do too much at once. You are ambitious to scan 4 or 5 magazines a week, but don't, probably because it's a lot of tedious work. I know trying to edit them was that way. Not trying to do too many at once may make it easier to do one a week. Of course, your real life should always come first 11) Yes, raw scans do look unprofessional. I know it's faster t o scan with the ADF, but trust me, if you debind a magazine and scan one page at a time on the flatbed, it ends up looking so much better and is so much easier to edit. The amount of time spent editing ADF scans cancels out the time saved using the ADF. I was looking at getting an ADF, but after seeing how much more control of the scan I had using a flatbed, where I can make sure the page is 100% straight before scanning, and removing all bleed through, compared to some of the crazy things your ADF spit out, I decided I will continue using a flatbed scanner since the results are better and much easier to work with. 12) YES! All the stuff that was being submitted was pretty good up until azzardx started uploading this EGM scans, and while I appreciate his effort in contributing 36 scans, they will all have to be rescanned at some point. Some are terrible, with covers mangled and damaged beyond normal use. Not only should there be standards for resolution and DPI (I vote on 300dpi, and 1440 and 1600 width), but there should be a standard for the condition of the magazine. I don't know about the rest of you, but I would actually suggest pulling his scans off the site. Phillyman and triverse have most of the ones he did. I'd rather they were not available than having them up there in the condition they are in. It just looks bad. And it would make my excel chart easier to manage (which I will be putting up in a sticky post in Magazine Talk and updating it regularly). And NO JOINED PAGES! I only know of one person on here who likes them that way. And Phillyman was mentioning only having so many nodes or whatever they are called, so maybe only having magazines available in cbr/cbz, and not having duplicate pdfs would be a good idea. Just make sure there is a link to CDisplay on every download and magazine page. 13) I agrees here too. Tiny cover shots are useless. Something big enough where you can read most of the text would be a good idea. 14) A bit better organization of the links on the portal page and the forum page. This forum seems to use the same coding/engine as sonicretro.org, and those nerds have managed to make their site very uncluttered, clean, and easy to navigate. We don't need a second site or a total redesign, just some house keeping and redecorating.
Yes they were.
A bunch of posts were deleted. Anything that was not constructive to the original topic, or anything seem as stirring the pot or bickering between members was removed. Including some of my stuff, and the whole battle between triverse and Kiwi. I don't know about the To Be Deleted section, but I think it was removed early for various reasons of which I am unsure.
Cue Edvard Grieg's Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, op. 46. FOr those not familiar, it's the title screen music for the original Peggle
It depends on the size of them. I could probably do at least 3 a month.
Sign me up. I'd like to help get more GamePro issues up on the site. Talk to me, baby!
I find the comedy in Tropic Thunder totally different thatn in Naked Gun. Naked Gun is a lot more slapstick and such than Tropic Thunder was. I didn't even know Tom Cruise was in the movie until close to the end when my wife suspected it was him.