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Everything posted by E-Day

  1. That option is coming soon, actually. I am waiting on it too since I want to get The World of Goo and some other games.
  2. There are already a ton of the old magazines that people have in their possession that need scanning. So increasing the cutoff date won't alleviate most of the work The 1999 isn't written in stone forever. Eventually it will change, even if it won't be for a long while. And it shouldn't keep people from collecting the newer magazines for scanning even if they can't go up right away. Besides, all the most interesting stuff is from the 80s and 90s
  3. Makes sense. The earlier issues had an editorial or some regular feature by "The Gamecock" or something with gamecock.
  4. To me, the whole idea about retro magazines is to read about the games and consoles you miss from years past. Putting up magazines talking about the PS2, Gamecube, and Xbox doesn't seem very retro, as the site name suggests, and next fall (2010), the Xbox 360 would be in that mix. Things that current are not retro. I personally don't consider the Saturn, N64 or PSone retro either, but they haven't been current for a long while now that they can actually be missed. That's not to say that the scanned magazines will be deleted (they'll be removed for downloading, but as far as I know the scanned work will be kept for a later date), nor will people who have the print magazines get rid of them because of the new cut off date (hopefully they won't). It is also a sort of goodwill gesture towards publishers that the site in no way intends to encroach on their business. No magazine currently offers back issues that are more than a few years old, and certainly none offer any from the 90's. So if the site doesn't step on any of their toes, they are more likely to look the other way than to hassle the site. Originally it was going to be a 10-year cut off date that moved up every year, but having a firm year as the cut off date seemed like a better idea. The most important thing is that the old stuff is all still available
  5. 100% scanned. Editing next.
  6. I love reinstalling Windows. A nice clean canvas to work on; no clutter, fast booting. What I don't like is reinstalling my programs again, and Windows updates. I'll be able to get around the updates by slipstreaming the updates into a Windows install. Should be fun
  7. Right now I have skin on that makes the site white and the boxes various shades of blue. I find it a lot nicer and cleaner than the retromags 2.0 skin, which is black. Though this is about retro game magazines, the site doesn't have to look like it's from 1997
  8. I am still a fan of just listing all the magazines alphabetically. Magazines are one category, players guides another, and manuals another. If I am looking for a certain magazine, say Gaymers Galore, I know it's a magazine. I won't need to know what country it came from; just that it's a magazine (thus under Magazines) that starts with G. Easy to find that way.
  9. I love the term Magazine Catalogue. Brilliant! I find the site is too dark. Dark web sites are passé. The way the meat of the content is layed out in the features page isn't the greatest (Mock up, I know), but I like the way the MAGAZINE CATALOGUE was done, with bigger covers, layed out so more could be seen at once, and the page for an actual issue also has some great ideas in it. This definitely has potential to be built on and maybe adopted someday. The current site has too many boxes on it and looks unfun. As a web design person, I see lots of potential with your mock up
  10. Mega Play Volume 4 Number 2 (Issue 15 overall) 45% scanned.
  11. In any case, a retooling of the navigation and/or the home page would be a good idea t oremove the clutter and make it easier to find stuff.
  12. Flash is awful, especially when you want to make changes. For ease of updating, I would go with a CMS as long as you have control over how stuff is layed out.
  13. No need to stream topics or the latest magazines to it. The latest magazines could be added manually, like you were doing with the weekly release post. Keep it simple, easy to navigate, and less people might be turned away as some are now by the layout and clutter. Each page fo a specific issue could have a link to download the issue, which would bring them to the download, a link to discuss the issue, which would bring them to the forums, and a link about how to download (encourage them to contribute and so on).
  14. I think Retromags as a site should be the Wiki. That should be the main site, with the forums being a section, and the downloads being a section. Kind of like Magweasel but better. On the forums page, there is no link to the Wiki. As you look up things in the wiki, the issues that are scanned have a link to the download. Links to the forums and DL section and other stuff are always present somewhere. http://gbatemp.net/ has too much stuff on the home page that I didn't go past that page. Too overwhelming. I think the site would function well as a nice, pretty version of magweasel with the forums and download section and such. That site is dead as far as updates anyhow.
  15. If the table was more neatly organized, finding magazines would probably be easier. For instance, why do the covers use half the table, leaving a bunch of white space - or in this case, blue space - in their cell? The cell for the covers should only be a bit bigger than the covers themselves. This would give more room for the magazine info, and would allow more info to be included on the listing page. It seems this whole site is automated using a database, so I can't imagine making tweaks and changes to the design would be easy (fueling my dislike for content management systems in general). Some people may be intimidated by how everything is set up and layed out. I know I had a lot of trouble finding what I wanted when I first arrived. If I wasn't obsessed with finding old issues of GamePro and such, I might have given up. However, the universe is lucky that I didn't
  16. I still think "Downloads", whether it is changed to something easier for newcomers to know what that leads to or not, should be more prominent than it is now. It's between Shoutbox and Calendar in the links at the top. It should be first, and it should look different than all the other buttons so it stands out. Navigation of this site is still an issue I have, even after more than a year here. And we've seen complaints on Digg or whatever the heck it was about the home page layout. Maybe the whole site could/should be retooled. I agree with some of the criticism that the home page is very cluttered. I don't know how much flexibility there is to change things around, but making it easier to find stuff quickly and make it look sexy would be helpful for the site. Reorganizing the download section sounds like a good idea. I don't know if people would prefer initially looking for their magazine by region, or by searching the list of Magazine titles. Why not a list of magazine titles; when you click on one, it brings you to a list of all those available (similar to what there is now), even if there is only one issue scanned. Tidy it up a bit as far as the table that displays everything, and you could be set. Game guides, manuals and everything else could be their own sub sections. I think making the table more visually appealing would help quite a bit; maybe more so than reorganizing things into regions.
  17. Mega Play Volume 4 Number 2 (Issue 15 overall) arrived today. Scanning will commence very shortly.
  18. Saving a JPEG at a setting of 8 in Photoshop still gives you an excellent image, and the file size is a decent chunk smaller.
  19. According to the owner's (djpubba) post on the HGM site forum, if it doesn't sell, he'll just keep it. And as he said in his auction, he has too much else going on in his personal life to run the magazine. On the HGM forum, he said that if it sold, he was hoping he'd be able to stay on in some capacity. So working for the magazine is something he could do, but it sounds like all the responsibilities of running is something he doesn't seem to have time for.
  20. It is also safe to go with a width of 1600, which is what I do. But 1400 seems to be the new standard. I like to stay ahead of the curve
  21. It will be great! While my wife's friend wants to buy an iPhone, I'm getting a rotary phone. He'll freak out when he sees it. I miss corded phones.
  22. Shouldn't the grass be covered in snow at this time of year?
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