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Everything posted by E-Day

  1. I liked number 7. Casey Kasem has an awesome voice. That last one is bloody hilarious!
  2. GamePro's 20th is coming up, and I plan on going onto their forums, and inbetween telling so-called "hardcore gamers" how ridiculous they are and whatnot, I plan on writing a post to GamePro to use their 20th to their advantage and start a flashback section, looking back 20, 15, and 10 years ago over a couple of pages or more. It would get their page count up; that, or they could remove the useless Opening/Parting Shots and use those 4 pages for this, as it would be more interesting. Their current magazine is terrible. Very boring, very generic, and very skinny. A December issue with 100 pages? I miss the pre-internet days where this December issue would be pushing 375 pages. Damn you, Internet!
  3. I only do it if I catch a whiff of something. I don't do it automatically though.
  4. It's be nice if it can be avoided. You'll have trouble with scanning near the spine though. Because it's near complete set, destroying them seems like the wrong thing to do.
  5. I agree with that. It was annoying, especially when you needed to press it in a hurry and accidentally pressed reset instead. That happened to me many times in Psycho Fox.
  6. It's a shame you are going to slice them up!
  7. 34% Scanned as of November 11, 2008.
  8. Did you ever come across one that really stank once upon a time? I have more than once :(
  9. It`s on my list of games to get, but it won't be the day it comes out. I have enough games to play right now.
  10. Pretty sad when some people base their political opinions on comedy sketches instead of important things like debates and whatnot. People found it funny that the jokes were based on Paling being a dumb, pretty woman. I doubt it would have been funny to a lot of people if SNL portrayed Barak Obama as a black drug dealer. People would be crying foul on that one. the only time SNL was good was in the late 90's the one time Jim Carey was hosting. that was awesome. As for Fox News, I don`t get it with the cable package I have, but from what I seen, it`s a nice change from the leftist stuff on CNN. Wolf Blitzer frothing at the mouth a few months back about the news that Palin's 17-year-old unwed daughter was pregnant was pretty sad. I am curious as to what he wanted Palin or her daughter to do in that situation. I only watch CNN for breaking news on the latest school/shopping mall shooting.
  11. By 2012 Sarah Palin may be a lot more capable as a federal politician and candidate than she appears to be now. Don't write her off because of some dumb Saturday Night Live sketches.
  12. He'll never be able to live up to all the hype that's been built up for him, though no one could. Hopefully this will be an eye-opener for ethnics and coloured people who claim they are getting nowhere in life because of the white man. Obama proved them wrong. Too bad he's a Democrat though. I'd have voted for McCain. But congrats to Obama.
  13. That is sexy. Private message sent.
  14. Pictures would be great. I'm mostly concerned with the poster What are you looking to trade for?
  15. Well, from what I have read, it won't be a Rock Band game they are in. Maybe Harmonix will make a game with just a guitar. One can only hope.
  16. He shouldn't leave his laptop on the bed like that. The comforter will block the ventilation openings on the underside. Picked up Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga for the Wii Yesterday, brand new from Futureshop, for a measely $23.
  17. Consider it done. Your advice about boosting saturation by 20% did wonders. Thanks babe!
  18. I was thinking that as well, but the other one might be easier to read on a screen. I'll wait to see what others think.
  19. They take the same time to scan. The second one is brighter, but the top one is actuallyvery close to the original print version. Much more so than the second one. But it depends on what is best for the screen. That's why I want to get people's opinions on here before starting
  20. E-Day

    The Mags I Have

    Like I said, pay back the favour down the road when you are able to. Just accept them! And if you have a warm place to live in, which I assume you do, then you have a place to keep those magazines. They'll be just fine even though they aren't in a controlled environment. I have several magazines that I've had for 7 or 8 years, stored where I had space, and they are still perfect. Relax and take the magazines!
  21. I use MS Access. Each system gets a different table. I mark down the title of the game, the year it came out, If it has a case or not, if it has a manual or not, the overall condition of the game, the condition of the box, manual and disc (where applicable) on a scale of 1 to 10, and any notes about damage, if it's a variant, or if it's still sealed. Works perfectly for me
  22. Next up: GamePro Issue 68, March 1995. Out of the gate, I will mention that a few pages have parts cute out. If anyone has this issue and wants to scan those pages for me, send me a private message. The pages that are needed are: Pages 126, 126, 127, 128, 131, and 132. Here are two scans of the cover: One using the default scanner profile, and the other using some sRBG profile (both with saturation upped 20% post scan). Do let me know which looks better to you between the two before I start. #1 - Default Profile: #2 - sRGB Profile:
  23. E-Day

    The Mags I Have

    That is a lot of money. But if it is something you collect and plan on keeping for many, many years, then it's worth it. If the future in laws offered to get them for you as an early Christmas present, I say go for it. Just return the favour to them down the road when you are able to as a big thank you
  24. Dammit. I wanted their music to go to Guitar Hero. That was the only way I was ever going to buy one of these fad music games. I have no interest in buying Rockband with all their silly, cheap looking plastic instruments. One guitar for a Beatles Guitar Hero is all I would be willing to tolerate.
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