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Everything posted by E-Day

  1. Of course there are no blacks in Alaska. They come from Africa; desert, hot as hell, and never any snow. Why would they move to Alaska? It's the exact opposite of Alaska.
  2. Finished with 18, our best showing ever.. Not that it matters. The Olympics are a waste of time and money. Azerbaijan did better than Belgium Bought Final Fantasy IV forthe DS and SNK Arcade Classics Vol 1 for the Wii. September will be a heavy month for buying games :(
  3. All the previous Warioland games have been on the GayBoy and GayBoy Advance. So of course they aren't worth more than $30. Most handheld games aren't. Excellent Wii games, on the other hand, are worth well more than that. And this one looks like a real jewel. But the proof is in the playing.
  4. Most Wii games are $50, so what's the problem? Just because it's in 2D? Why should that matter? It's a hell of a lot more work to make a 2D game using hand drawn sprites and backgrounds than it does to make a 3D game. 3D doesn't automatically make a game better or worth more. I am very happy to finally see a 2D game on a home console. 3D is getting old and stale. I am happy to pay $50 for it as long as it's fun to play. Unlike some people, I can appreciate excellent 2D games and don't whine when not every single game is in 3D.
  5. This game has some of the awesomest music ever.
  6. Count me out. I think blogs are stupid. Nobody cares what someone else thinks about plastic spoons, and nobody wants to listen to some nerd whine on a post about how bad their day was because they have no real life friends to whine too. Unless you are reporting something that can be considered news and does not involve the nuances of your crumby life, blogs serve no purpose other than to give people the false feeling that people care what they think. Hence me not already having a blog
  7. I was thinking about it. The trouble is I already have too many games that I need to play. I do want a good baseball game, but I don't know if I want something this arcadey or something more realistic, which there isn't much of. It boggles my mind that EA Sports doesn't make a baseball game anymore. The reviews for The Bigs and Major League Baseball 2K8 have been so-so. MLB Power Pros, while arcadey and fun in looks, seems to play recently realistically. I might end up going for that. Mario Super Sluggers looks too arcadey for me to have it as my sole baseball game. I'll have to rent it or something. Maybe it's not as arcadey as it looks, though I doubt it.
  8. It weas also a pretty good year for the magazine, along with 1994. 54.5% scanned
  9. And now you can't find an issue of EGM that is more than 98 pages.
  10. The early 90's were awesome, weren't they?
  11. Well, After 3 months of waiting, I figured NP never got my order from Best Deal Magazines, so I bought a subscription through NP's site for $27.95. Still a good price considering one issue on the newsstand is $6.99 plus tax. I was able to log in two days later, so I knew they never got my first order. Last week I logged in again for fun, and saw that my subscription now ends in 2010 instead of 2009, so they got my original order and tacked it on even though the mailing address was different. Hooray!
  12. GamePro Issue 66 - January 1995 As of August 25: Scanned: 54.5%
  13. Bought Blast Works for the Wii last week. I have yet to play it as the Olympics are taking up most of my time in the evening.
  14. Everything else was great. This is just a personal preference. As someone who does design work and such I learned that you'll never create something that everyone will like
  15. Once I get back from vacation (August 18th or so), I shall be starting on the following issue of GamePro:
  16. The first one would be suitable for the really early magazines, like Atari Age. But I found it a bit hard to read. The current ones with the magazine covers is quite delightful.
  17. I'll be using this new version too. Except I removed the logo's reflection because it's very Web 2.0, and Web 2.0 is very gay and I hate it.
  18. Bought Lego Stars Wars the Complete Saga for the DS yesterday.
  19. I'll be rooting for my country, Canada, of course. But we never do terribly well. I will also root for the US, Switzerland, and Italy. I'll mainly be watching the games to see if any rioting or acts of craziness occur. The games themselves are pretty dull most of the time.
  20. NP is my favourite of the game magazines these days, but they do suffer from the trend to have boring layouts and no backgrounds. While trying to appeal to a more "mature" audience, they forgot that video game magazines should be fun. The reading material is excellent, but the layout is dull. The magazine with the best layout is Hardcore Gamer magazine, but I don't think it will be aroundmuch longer since they went quarterly at the start of the year. A quarterly game magazine in this day and age just won't cut it.
  21. I love the SMS. I have every game released orpotentially released in North America except for one (James Buster Douglas Knockout Boxing). It was the second console my family got. It didn't have the multitude of games the NES had thanks to Nintendo's underhanded monopolistic tactics, but it had a lot of good games to choose from. Ghost House was a good game; Penguin Land was a fantastic puzzler, and Pyscho Fox was also excellent. And, of course, Sonic The Hedgehog
  22. Those three seem right to me. I would have named Virtual Boy and the CDi myself, and maybe also the Amiga CD32. But if I could pick only one overall, I think it would be CDi.
  23. I wouldn't call Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis a jem. It's more like a lump of anthrax.
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