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Everything posted by E-Day

  1. NP is my favourite of the game magazines these days, but they do suffer from the trend to have boring layouts and no backgrounds. While trying to appeal to a more "mature" audience, they forgot that video game magazines should be fun. The reading material is excellent, but the layout is dull. The magazine with the best layout is Hardcore Gamer magazine, but I don't think it will be aroundmuch longer since they went quarterly at the start of the year. A quarterly game magazine in this day and age just won't cut it.
  2. I love the SMS. I have every game released orpotentially released in North America except for one (James Buster Douglas Knockout Boxing). It was the second console my family got. It didn't have the multitude of games the NES had thanks to Nintendo's underhanded monopolistic tactics, but it had a lot of good games to choose from. Ghost House was a good game; Penguin Land was a fantastic puzzler, and Pyscho Fox was also excellent. And, of course, Sonic The Hedgehog
  3. Those three seem right to me. I would have named Virtual Boy and the CDi myself, and maybe also the Amiga CD32. But if I could pick only one overall, I think it would be CDi.
  4. I wouldn't call Sonic the Hedgehog Genesis a jem. It's more like a lump of anthrax.
  5. I didn't play the original, and the Wii version is one of the many backlogged games I have yet to play for the Wii.
  6. The idea of having 5 to choose from would be good. This one would work well with all those early 1980's magazines, and the current one, with some sprucing up, suits the early-mid 90s stuff.
  7. It's just like I said here: anti-climactic . At least for me. I'm already a lifetime member, so 1) and 3) do me no good. And I am not interested in having all 400+ magazines on here, so 2) does nothing for me either. And the cake...well, that I have to get myself, and it won't be free But for other novice members, it's a good treat. Good thing my hopes were not up! Happy birthday, slapnuts.
  8. I'm gonna stick with the old page. This one is hard on the eyes and a bit hard to read, and it doesn't have the retromags logo on it.
  9. Sega Genesis for sure. So many awesome games, some of which I can always play and always be thrilled at paying them. The Super NES is also in the top three, anlong with the Sega Master System. That was a cool little system too
  10. I am curious to see how Sonic Unleashed turns out, since half if not more of the action will be 2D with 3D surroundings and graphics. But I think they should take a page out of Capcom's book and make a brand new 2D Sonic game in the exact same style as the classic Genesis games. Not the crusty so-so GBA and DS games. Genesis sprites (old school style Sonic), colours and sound, like how Capcom is doing Mega Man 9 exactly how it would appear on the NES. I don't think anything would be better than that.
  11. It was a bit too easy except for right at the very end where I went through over 100 lives, but still incredibly awesome. The real challenge was finding every single secret passage.
  12. How can you own a DS and STILL not own New Super Mario Bros?? I decided to get a DS because of that game, and even bought the game before I had the system. Get off the computer or Xbox and go and get that damn game RIGHT NOW!
  13. I remember the previous thread on this, because I was the one who mentioned why that jump in issues occured. It was indeed SWATPro. When they stopped publishing SwatPro, they counted them in the regular GamePro count, which was dumb even though Swatpro was mostly made up of stuff from the recent previous GamePro issues. At least that is what I remember reading. However, there were more than 10 issues of SwatPro, so maybe I am remembering things wrong. I do remember EGM criticizing GamePro for jumping their issue count by 10 because they stopped putting out SwatPro, or something along those lines. Maybe they counted SWATPro seperate from SWAT, which preceded it. I just wish my question on GamePro's site would get answered.
  14. Ditto. Finally a 2D platformer on a home console. It feels like it's been 10 years since the last one.
  15. Not to mention that not everyone has, wants, or can even get a superfast internet connection. What are they supposed to do? I don't think it's in the best interest of any console maker to make their games download only. They neglect a large enough number of people that a console maker that still puts out tangible copies of their games will trounce the download-only competition. Downloads are good for Wiiware and XBLA type games, but not full-fledged titles like Metal Gear Solid 4.
  16. The free stuff doesn't compel me to get a subscription. The fact that the price of a year's subscription costs what I would spend on a measely three issues at the newsstand compels me to get a subscription. Which is why I just ordered one. Whether I get the Mario Kart guide doesn't matter to me. I don't need it, and don't want it. It's a racing game, not an RPG.
  17. Since when is hardware upgradeable by download? As far as I know, hardware can only be upgraded by replacing it. And how lond would it take to download all the info needed to play a 40 gig game? Not to mention the fact that almost every ISP have a bandwidth cap where you pay per GB after you reach your limit. It's a bad idea. The day everything is digital downloads is the day I lose interest in current generation games again. I like having tangible copies of my games. And you know they won't make purchasing game "licenses" any cheaper than it cost to buy the tangible copy now. So you would actually get less for the same money. Very bad idea.
  18. I'm almost certain it will be anti-climactic for most of the members here. "Suprises" on forums usually are
  19. It wouldnt electrocute him if it simply splashed onto the rail. The Electricity would need a constant stream to travel through. A splash does not provide that.
  20. Michael Keaton, man. Super awesome.
  21. Yes, that is what they did. For the first season and most of the second. They eventually ran out of Japanese footage and re shot everything Stateside up to the end of Season 3 except for the giant monster fights. Some of it used clever editing, as well as reusing the same few pieces of footage of the original MMPR costumes inside their giant robot, since they changed the robots, but not the costumes. After MMPR ended and Power Rangers Zeo started, they went back to using more Jap footage. Now I think disney reshoots just about everything except the giant robot/monster fights. Disney bought the Power Rangers rights several years back and shoots the show in New Zealand. They released all the MMPR episodes on DVD in Germany. I wish they would release them here :(
  22. Bah, who cares? "Skylar Deleon" was never a power ranger; only an extra on the show once. The media has it wrong when they say he used to be a power ranger. If he ever actually was, it was well after Power Rangers in Space, which is well after the good show, Mighty Morhpin Power Rangers, ended.
  23. I have Rune Factory as well. I have yet to play it though. I am trying to get some other games out of the way first before starting a time consuming RPG. Picked up Kirby Canvas Curse and Power Rangers Super Legends for the DS on Monday. Go Go Power Rangers!
  24. Hmm..."it's coming, a somewhat familiar lightning bolt...all very reminiscent of the promos for the new Power Rangers series back in 1996...
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