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Everything posted by E-Day

  1. For cases like Donkey Kong Country, I think Nintendo should have the rights to rerelease that game on the VC since even though Rare created the game, Donkey Kong is Nintendo's IP. Nintendo shouldn't lose out on being able to release their own IP just because they outsourced the creation of the game to another developer, especially since the DKC games put Rare on the map.
  2. SWATPro #1 As of April 23, 2008 Scanning: 35% complete
  3. I'll compile this and get it on the site for you And it's the August 1992 issue, not September
  4. Any early GamePros (the earlier the better), that isn`t already up and that kbf_private_joker isn`t currently working on. I`s say start at the beginning and work your way down the GamePro list
  5. The thickest issues are the best issues!
  6. I am more than willing to help crop and edit the manually scanned issues since they're rather quick. I don't really have the time (or patience) to work on the ones that need rotating and cropping, as the rotating drives me nuts and those take a lot of time. Plus some pages scanned so crooked that a big chunk of the top corner on some pages are gone! Those would need to be scanned again, I would think...
  7. GamePro started out bi-monthly as well. They both started at almost the same time. I don`t think there were any other magazines dedicated to video games alone at that time, so maybe they both went bi-monthly at first to see how their magazines would sell. I have no clue. The only ones who would know would be the original editors
  8. I guess the confusion could be expected since it was a new magazine for a topic that really didn't have that kind of magazine until 1989. Each issue could have been displayed for three months if their intent was to be quarterly, but that goes against the title "Electronic Gaming Monthly". I know Hardcore Gamer Magazine just started going quarterly, so it's not impossible even if it is very odd
  9. Hey now, ho now... 1) That would be a good title change 2) I can help edit manual scans since they are less time consuming than the ADF scans. 3) A scanner and retirement money for me would help this site out Hey now, ho now...as I was reading through Issue 1, near the back on the Game Over page, they stated that the 3rd issue of EGM would be on sale April 1989, which makes this issue #2 according to them. Their 1989 Buyer's Guide from February 1989 was issue 1 in their eyes. Magweasel's numbering may be kooky (did EGM release that Top Scores issue as issue 7? It looks like a special). Anyhow, it doesn't really matter. It's just a curiousity
  10. Does this belong in Emulation News? Sadly, because your auto doc feeder likes to scan stuff crooked (sometimes VERY crooked), I don't have the time to edit stuff. If everything was straight and only required cropping, then that would be different since cropping takes mere seconds per image for me. If someone wins the lottery for me, I'd gladly retire from work and edit things all day instead
  11. Next up: SWATPro Issue #1 Fall 1990
  12. Editing: 100% (much quicker than the scanning!) Uploaded.
  13. What the hell are you supposed to do there? Just visit the page?
  14. i didnt really bother checking out reviews. I just pre-ordered it knowing it wouldnt be disappointing
  15. If EGM put out such a compilation, I would buy it if it went back far enough into the 90's, regardless of getting the back issues for Free on here. And it's hard to justify stealing a brand new game that isn't even out yet where you live by comparing it to scanning old magazines that aren't offered by the publisher anymore, using a "what if" scenario. And while you may have only spent a quarter for the DVD to burn the stolen game on, I'll have a nice complete copy to go into my collection with a nice glossy manual. I'm happy to spend my money on good games so that the developer can make more good games in the future.
  16. Yesterday gas was 114.5 cents per litre, which comes up to $4.38 per US Gallon. And we refine most of our own fuel.
  17. You can't "re-buy" something you never bought in the first place. You stole it. I just pre-ordered the game from Dell for CDN$39.99, free shipping. Awesome!
  18. I hope you're going to buy an actual copy when it's released here in a couple weeks...
  19. E-Day


    They might. They've put other foreign games on the VC, so Earthbound might happen. You can always just try and get a copy for the SNES and play that
  20. I didn't bother reading the article; too lazy. PSX is blah indeed, but the SNES is classic. Since the game is getting a huge makeover, it will probably go on my "to buy" list
  21. Meh. I already own it on the SNES (FF II) and on the PSone. Unless it's been redone with new graphics (3D) and music, I'm passing.
  22. As of April 14, 2008 Scanning: 100% complete Editing: 1% complete Now the fun begins...
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