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Everything posted by E-Day

  1. Good job. I was actually gonna buy that one if the seller was willing to mail it to KBF for me. At least we got it. Now scan it! (so KBF can mark it on his spreadsheet as obtained :wink:)
  2. Issue #1 of SWATPro, coming home ot me
  3. I am going to attempt to use my old, slow flatbed scanner to scan: GamePro Issue 90 (labeled 100) January 1997. I'm not sure how it will turn out - if it turns out - but we'll see!
  4. Corner Gas, and Ottawa Senators hockey
  5. You butthole! That's the last time you get me. It didn't click that it was April 1st, though I thought it weird that Ziff-Davis AND Future Publications would send a letter together. Good one, but you are still an butthole Now quit wasting time and get back to scanning those EGMs! Lazy!
  6. I think "Current Affairs" should be called "Off Topic" where everything BUT game magazines the other topics are talked about, and there should be an eBay section where people can post magazines that are currently up for grabs, and where members can state what they are bidding on since eBay hides bidders names. "Retromags News" could maybe be called "Site Talk" or something; with it's current name I see stuff that would logically belong in "Magazine Talk"
  7. I vote that fusoya is a whiny bitch, and that I am not helping with the physical work because with a family, I don't have the time to edit magazines, or scan them manually with my slow, old, flatbed scanner. If I had the Canon Feeder scanner Phillyman uses, then I would be scanning issues pretty quickly. Also, being in Canada, a lot of sellers of the back issues on eBay won't ship here. To make up for the lack of physical help mentioned, I help by donating money, buying issues on eBay and having them shipped to Phillyman or kfb_private_joker, and by doing the NFO files, compiling and uploading the EGMs Phillyman scans and the GamePro's that kbf scans. I do what I can to help out because I enjoy reading the old issues of EGM, GamePro, and other magazines. On a side note, GamePro far from sucks. It was my magazine of choice back in the early to mid 90's, and anytime I bought a game that they reviewed as excellent, it turned out to be just that.
  8. You gotta take the 300 pagers. Those fatso's are what made EGM good
  9. Buy them all! Every EGM and all the GamePros! And whatever else is of interest! Buy buy buy!
  10. I will donate $10 after I am done uploading 2 issues to the ftp and my connection speeds up. And I would be willing to buy some of the duplicates if they weren't too pricey
  11. E-Day

    Gamepro Downloads

    You deleted them off ofhere, or on your computer? GamePro messed around with their numbering system in 1995 or 1996. When they stopped putting out their SWATPRO magazine, they counted its issue count in the GamePro total, which is why it jumps 10 issues or so. So while they labeled January 1997 as issue 100, it was actually issue 90 or something.
  12. I already know how to get that to happen thanks to redflagdeals.com; I bought two 5-year subscriptions on eBay already for less than $10 each. I want to know how he got EGM for that long. I wouldn't mind having years worth of EGM and Nintendo Power and Game Informer arriving at my house
  13. They've done it for a while when bids went over a certain amount. They started doing it all the time last week I think. Too many forums where members don't bid against each other, I think.
  14. Where you get that from? I am looking for something like that once my year subscription is up.
  15. The problem with this is that eBay doesn't let you see who the bidder is anymore. every bidder now appears as x***x, x being a random number or letter. Is anyone here bidding on the January 1990 issue of GamePro? If not, I will give it a go.
  16. As a kid, I didn't have a subscription. My parents subscribed to Nintendo Power for a year. I just bought GamePro at the store every month since a subscription was a hassle with the extra shipping charge and exchange rate, but eventually I got a year's subscription in 1995. It was still good in those days Right now I have a free 1-year subscription to EGM
  17. Fecking awesome. I knew it wasn't issue two by the date he listed, but still mega awesome since it's a very early issue!
  18. Gas here in Ottawa is about $1.08/litre, which works out to $4.08/gallon. I find it strange that gas prices are cheaper in the US when you guys get a lot of your oil and gas from us. We import very little, yet pay more than you when you import a lot of it
  19. What a dumb bitch. The fact that I can hold the Nunchuk and the Remote in separate hands means I can sit in a relaxed position as I see fit. I don't have to keep my hands together. As if the PS3 controller is superior; the crusty design since 1996. Very innovative. And everything else that was said in that "review" was false and a half. The graphics are great. The guy still doesn't know that graphics don't make a game good. Oh well...then your console is in last place, your bound to take cheap shots at something superior to anything your console has.
  20. Nintendo will release a Triple A title or two for the holiday season. I would hedge my bets on a new Zelda or Metroid title, since the first ones game out at launch or shortly after. HOPEFULLY they won't release a Mario PArty game, since the Wii has more than enough party-type games.
  21. There are already tons of Nintendo Power issues on here. It wouldn't hurt to fill in some other magazines for a bit. EGM was lacking until recently; now it's almost tied with GamePro, both of which are the magazines I am most interested in. Of course I say keep going with EGM
  22. Geez, 15 years after SF II came out, and after numerous versions of the game coming out, they only get to number 4 now . Is it plain old Street Fighter 4, or is it SF 4 Turbo? Super SF 4? SF 4 Championship Edition? I hate fighting games. To me they are so monotinous. The exception is Super Smash Bros. Brawl; there's an adventure mode, and the fight stages are interactive and have multiple platforms. It would be nice to see some 2D games again. Plain old 2D. There seems to be a decent number of 2.5D games. I consider SSBB 2.5 D since everything is 3D modelled, but you can't move in 3D space. Actually, all fighting games seem to be that way. You can only move up-down-left-right; you can never get out of line of your opponent.
  23. Hence why I didn't know I was already a lifetime member. I'll see if I can make a donation on the weekend. I am tighter than a 4-year-old for money right now, and I just helped kbf_joker with some GamePro auctions. But I will see what I can do.
  24. Same as you. I actually hate Street Fighter-style fighting games. But I made an exception for this one. I am using the Wiimote and nunchuk. It seems to work okay, though I find the control stick too sensitive for jumping a lot of the time. I will give it a try with the classic controller next, and then the GC controller and see which I like best. How is everyone else playing?
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