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Everything posted by E-Day

  1. Has anyone bought this game yet? I got it yesterday. I normally HATE fighting games since it's just the same thing over and over, but this one intrigued me. The fact that it has an adventure mode and that the fighting stages had more than one level to stand on is what appealed enough to me to want to buy the game. And the fact that Sonic The Hedgehog is in it sealed the deal. I spent a couple of hours today getting used to the controllers and playing some of the extras, and the classic fighting portion to get used to the controls and what not. Even though it was just fighting like any other fighting game, except with more fighters on some stages, it was quite fun. I got through it on easy and normal, which isn't bad for never having played a SSB game before. I also tried one online fight, which was fun until the lag kicked in and made everything herky-jerky. Anyone else have this problem? If anyone else has this game, put your friends code on here. Mine is 1848-1389-4110.
  2. I'm still waiting to be bumped up to lifetime member after the last donation drive for that one issue of some Nintendo magazine/newsletter!
  3. Don't they have parking bans there so the plows can clean? Here there is a ban on parking on the street anytime Environment Canada forecast's 7cm of snow or more. If you park on the street those nights, you get towed and have to pay the impound fee. When we got dumped on last Wednesday, the ban was still on, but because we got so much snow, if you got towed you wouldn't have to pay to get your car back. Over the weekend the ban was lifted because it snowed so much people were getting stuck trying toget down their road after a snowplow made a nice wall of snow as it went through an intersection. So people parked where they could. But now that the snow stopped (for now), the ban is in effect all week so the city plows and trucks can go along and remove all the snowbanks and such. Some of them are several feet high along the road. And the sidewalks on my street still weren't cleaned by this evening. So much for global warming being real! :laughing:
  4. Barrie? Baldwin? Mt Albert? Queensville? Toronto didn't need to call in the Army again because of the snow, did they? :laughing:
  5. Where in Canada are you to be getting off so easily with the snow? The record snowfall for Ottawa was set in 1970-71 with 444 centimetres (or 173 inches, 15.4 feet), and right now, after yesterday's barrage, we are sitting at about 406 centimentres (159.8 inches, 13.3 feet) total so far.
  6. Nope! A lot own snowblowers though. Since I live in a condo complex, the shovelling I have to do is minimal. We're supposed to shovel our deck, but we sealed the windows and patio doors off to stop cold air from coming in. Plus now that there is almost 6 feet of snow on the deck, I wouldn't be able to get out there without a flamethrower Most of what you see is from the last week. We got a foot of snow yesterday alone. The huge piles of snow against the buildings and near the cars is recent snow from the parking/driving lot. Piles like that have been removed 2 or 3 times already this winter. I love it!
  7. Geez, man, that's nothing. I'll go take a picture of what it looks like outside my place so you can be glad you don't have as much shoveling as some people
  8. Ha! I should have read this thread first before asking you about it in a PM again
  9. PhillyCremeCheeseDude, did you get the EGMs yet that I had sent to you that i bought on eBay?
  10. Good. I'drather not modify the DS at all, though the health and safety screen is a bit gay and doesn't need to be there...
  11. Well, I remember reading an older post from you stating that you were unhappy at how dead the forums were. To me, this was one idea I knew worked at Frihost to get people posting. With this post, I will have 91, which allows me 10 downloads a month if I was a regular member. Since GamePro's trickle out at about one per week, and an EGM hasn't been released in over 2 months, I wouldn't need to post anymore to be able to still get the magazines I wanted plus the odd other magazine that might interest me. It was more an idea to get the forum active rather than manage how much is getting downloaded
  12. I don't know if you can impliment it here, but there is a way to help spread the magazines and get the boards active. I get free web hosting for my site. The admins offer free web hosting, but in order to get it, you have to post on the forum, where they get revenue from ads. What they do is give you points for each post you make. The number of points depends on how long your post is. This helps cut down on one-word posts, and encourages longer, thought out posts. The maximum number of points you can get for a post is 5, and you can accumulate up to 45 points at once. Everyday, 1 point is taken away from your total. When you get to zero points or less, they send you a warning. If you leave it at zero long enough, you lose your web space. So while you could technically earn all your points in an hour, and not go back for a month and a half, I don't think that would be a problem here. If that kind of system could be implimented here, you could do something like, if you have 20 points, you can download 5 magazines, if you have 40, you can download 10 magazines, 100 points for 25 magazines (per month) or whatever. And each day you could remove 1 point or so. That would ensure people don't post all in one shot and then just download magazines without doing anymore posting since they have the required number of posts. Rules like copying something like a news article and posting it without using quotes would need to be implimented, but having strict rules could deter people from doing such underhanded things Just a suggestion! Frihost is the site that uses the points system on the forum.
  13. So it's been about 2 years since this thread was started. Has anything new been developed or whatnot to run NES/SNES/SMS/Genesis ROMS on a DS? I'm not looking to run commercial DS ROMS; only ROMS of the old school systems. Is the equipment needed still the same? What about emulators?
  14. It was probably too costly to make a monthly magazine, especially since they were sending them out for free for a while to those who registered their systems. Plus I am sure they would have been much skinner if they came out every month. But they could have started the magazine in July/August to make life easier.
  15. Yeah, CD-i games are pricey. the system didn't sell very well, so there aren't many out in the wild.
  16. I wouldn't call the CD-i games unnofficial. they are original games, fully licensed to Philips by Nintendo. The games had Nintendo's blessing
  17. I didn't see anything interesting when I checked wednesday night...
  18. Someone has bid on it already, and I am not sure if it is someone from here. So I don't want to bid incase I am going against someone here!
  19. I've done it twice successfully. Most sellers are accomodating about it since they are just magazines
  20. You could always win it and ask the guy to ship it directly to whoever. That's what I've done a couple of times. If needed, I am sure the Scanner would be willing to pay the shipping
  21. Everything seems to be more expensive for you guys in Europe. Here the game is $30, and it came out yesterday. If it would cost, I would hold off on getting it since I want to get Sega Superstar Tennis, and Mario Kart. And I recently decided that SSB Brawl is a game I want to get. I don't like fighting games, but this one looks like it has more variety than crap games like Street Fighter, so on my list it goes. Then there is all the DS and GBA games I want to get for when I buy a DS...
  22. Drops in price? How cheap do you want it? It's selling for a mere $30
  23. That one ends today. You should go after it. I am at work and eBay is blocked, so I am not able to.
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