So it looks like the scanning is done. Below is the list of everything that was scanned that I haven't yet edited. Everything is in PDF. The best method I found in dealing with them is to extract the individual pages using PDF Shaper Free and then open them up individually in Photoshop. You may find an easier way. @bogusfrank has worked on a pile of these already so he may have a better method.
Attached to this post is the Photoshop action I use for these scans. It flattens the image and saves a JPG version before applying any colour correction and saves a full size version of the issue and a version that is 2200 pixels tall, which is our standard.
Some scans will have missing pages or pages too damaged to salvage. In that case I think the best thing to do place our Missing Page placeholder (included in this post along with our Thank you pages) in its spot and mark it as preserved but needing a rescan; I don't think holding back an entire issue because of a couple of missing pages is logical.
These aren't the best scans, and some will need to be redone at some point because of overcropping, missing pages and so on. But they are certainly good enough to have on our site and will fill in a large number of missing issues!
Anyone interested in edint anything in the below list let me know and I will make them available to you, probably through One Drive. I am not sure what the best way to do that is yet (i.e one massive OneDrive folder you can download from or individual folders those those who are interested), but we will figure it out.
Hopefully people are interested in helping to edit and get these on the site. If you do, please remember to credit @TheRedEye for the donation as that is Frank Cifaldi's username on here.
As people take stuff they want to edit I will hopefully remember to strike them off of the below list.
Thank You and Missing VGHF.atn