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  1. Sure, well working for Squaresoft was a dream come true for me because I had wanted to be a game play counselor since I was a kid. What could be better than talking about and playing video games for a living? I tried for Nintendo but ended up working for Square which was even better. I can reveal that they were working on translating Final Fantasy 5 but ended up skipping it because they thought it would be too hard, plus they were devoting resources to Secret of Evermore. It was a good company to work for, and had Japanese values. For instance, when shipments came in everyone hit the warehouse including the Japanese president, who I believe was a vice president of Square Japan at the time. I love the Japanese people, and I had a Japanese friend who did something really cool for me. I had the Japanese version of Chrono Trigger before it was released in Japan and we sat down for like three days and he translated the whole thing as I was playing it! He also did the same thing with Final Fantasy 5. His name was Hayato Sato, a true legend. I was able to get him in on the Chrono Trigger beta test. Something funny involving him is that he told me Ted Woolsey was translating Aylas name wrong. He had been translating it as Eira, which was actually correct, but Hayato had me convinced it was supposed to be Ayla. So I spoke to Ted about it and he changed it. It turns out coincidentally that Ayla was the name of the protagonist of a series of books involving a cave woman. I've seen people debating in game forums whether that was deliberate but it was actually because of Hayato. Hehe! Another funny thing was that we would get game returns from all of the different retailers. It was our job to check them out and I found about 10 percent of them had been opened and swapped with another game. We got to keep those ones and I still have a cartridge of Final Fantasy 3 with Mortal Kombat 2 in it.
  2. Thank you! I was very blessed to work for this company at 16 years of age! I got hired because I had been living in Redmond Washington in the 90s and was a huge square fan. I sent in a reply card to them and they called me one day asking if I would be interested in testing Secret of Mana?! Umm yes please. It was really cool there were about 12 of us similar ages and we went to Square every day for like a week during the summer to test it. They fed us pizza and we got to make some contributions. I named a couple of enemies (Snap Dragon and Tsunami (formally Mr. Water) Also got a free copy of the game when it was over and some merchandise. They kept calling me back to test and it culminated with Final Fantasy 6. I got to bring my brother and sister with me and play through it. They had me take a game play phone call during this time and then after the beta test they hired me. My brother discovered the relm sketch glitch but they didn't fix it for some reason. Working for Square as a game play counselor was really amazing. I got to play video games all day, test unreleased games, hang with the us developers, visit Nintendo etc. I even contributed to Chrono Trigger by naming Ayla. Frequently work with Ted Woosely and I want to confess that I borrowed his final fantasy v music cd and didn't return it.
  3. I worked for squaresoft at the time FF6 was released. I had been very blessed to be hired on as a game play counselor after getting to beta test secret of mana, mystic quest, breath of fire, and final fantasy 3. Peter actually came out to our facilities in Redmond and it was mine and another GPCs responsibility to take him around town and what not. He mined our brains for FF3 related stuff, made some phone calls to us later on, and then that was it. I didn't know I was credited in the guide until later. I am also credited in secret of mana as a beta tester. My name is Joshua Gabbard.
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