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Everything posted by JoNJoN

  1. JoNJoN


    I've got some of those boxed away still. I'm quite sure I got the first issue too.
  2. I noticed there is now a place for hardware manuals to be uploaded and downloaded but how about software manuals? I thought I saw this mentioned somewhere but I can't remember. Is this possible or would it take up too much space since there are 1000's of game manuals that could be uploaded. Maybe it could be kept system specific or something?
  3. The electoral college is a mixed bag for me. Yes it archaic but only because its been around so long and yes its has its problems but as far as the main reason it was implemented, it still succeeds at doing what it was meant to do today. If the election was ever to become strictly based on total vote count, as it stands right now that would mean that someone could get elected by receiving votes from 10 or less cities in the whole country.
  4. Not quite, the majority has been over ruled numerous times in the past few years by the courts. And as far as elections going for the president, its not the majority of votes that wins, its the majority of electoral votes.
  5. My memory is too foggy from all these years of college . Could you post or link a pic of the cover? Then maybe I'll realize that I do have it boxed away somewhere if I recognize the cover.
  6. I really hate those crappy Sega black and white photocopy manuals
  7. There's a nice long article in the latest EDGE magazine (UK magainze) about a huge arcade just North of Boston that has all the classics in perfect shape. It's been in business for over 50 years and is still hanging around just fine. The magazine has a gray cover with the Xbox 360 logo with the new avatars looking at it. You can find the mag at your local Barnes & Noble.
  8. Is this game really that good? I remember really wanting it back in the day but it doesn't look like it has aged too well.
  9. It's the only system I ever got rid of besides my Jaguar. I don't miss that one quite as much lol. Otherwise, I've kept every single gaming item I've bought over the past 20 years.
  10. I wouldn't call it blatant greed but smart capitalism. Yeh it really sucks and I've been on the wrong side of this tactic plenty but there isn't anything stopping anyone from doing the same. You always try to catch a fad before it becomes one and buy as much as you can.
  11. Braid on Xbox Llive Arcade. This game is stunning. I've spent 5 hours on it already and I still haven't solved all these ridiculous puzzles. Guess I'm dumb lol
  12. For all those who like old games and the newer ones you should definitely check this site out. They have listings for every system imaginable with pics of the boxes and everything. Just go to mobygames.com and click on games brows. Then down the page in the middle select your system and have at it. If you all knew bout this site already, then sorry but I thought this site was cool enough to give a heads up. I've already been on it for an hour now looking at old games from many years ago...
  13. Oh yeh, those days of demanding perfect coin-op to home conversions were classic and MK2 on the SNES was unbelievable at the time. The Genesis version seemed like an Atari game next to the SNES. MK3 never did anything for me either, the combos were kinda cool but the computer seemed to get cheaper and cheaper.
  14. They really need to wake up and start releasing the numerous rare rpg's for the snes. There are too many to even list.
  15. 1) Zelda 3 2) Final Fantasy 3 3) Super Mario World 4) Killer Instinct 5) Street Fighter 2 6) Super Mario Kart 7) Contra 3 8) Illusion of Gaia 9) Donkey Kong Country 10) Mortal Kombat 2 I know people probably wonder why I choose 4 and 10 but back in the day, I lost so much time to those games and have great memories of having neighborhood tourneys at my house with those games.
  16. I'll start it off with $10. I've been able to scan and upload a couple of mags but I just do not have the time to do all of the editing work. But I can help out this way so keep up the fantastic work to everyone that chips in around here.
  17. Yeh, I traded my pristine Neo Geo Gold when I was 11 with 6 games including Baseball Stars 2 and Windjammers ($200 on ebay now) for a stupid freaking 3DO that I lost while moving. Brightest move I've ever made.
  18. Yeh, the older ones are definitely not as good as the newer ones but there are a few good articles hidden among the rest of the crap.
  19. Yes indeed, the time that I finally graduate from college after 10 miserable years is at hand!!!
  20. Thanks Philly u da man
  21. That's the exact same thing they said bout GTA4. Everyone is used to playing it on the PS3 and bla bla bla.... Last I checked, the 360 version clearly outsold the PS3 version. Tsk tsk Sony..
  22. I haven't downloaded anything for days and still am getting that can't download until your other downloads are complete message as well....
  23. Well, I would have to say my favorite console is the Xbox 360. It's the console that rekindled my love of gaming after several years being out of it. As far as retro gaming goes, SNES all the way. I mean is it even a competition? Legend of Zelda, Contra 3, Super Mario Kart, Super Mario World, practically arcade perfect ports of Mortal Kombat II and Killer Instinct and Street Fighter 2, Final Fantasy 3, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, Actraiser, and just so many other games that robbed my early pre teen years. But it was all worth it.
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