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Everything posted by JoNJoN

  1. You and me are in the same boat. I got tired of waiting and just went to Best Buy and got the Prima Games hardbound collector's edition guide for Zelda Phantom of the Hourglass for $10.
  2. For those of you like me that grew up adoring Diehard Gamefan magazine. The guy that created went on way later to create a magazine called Hardcoure Gamer. Gamestop was selling it for awhile but it disappeared and it seems that it is not being published anymore. It is now strictly an online magazine that is made quarterly now. However, there were about 30 or s magazines that were published and these are all available now to download for FREE. So go grab them up while you can and enjoy Link: http://www.hardcoregamer.com/
  3. LOL, I drive a Dodge Ram pickup and oh yeh the mileage does suck pretty bad but I'll never get rid of it. It is extremely comfortable and YES, I do actually use it. Not all the time, but enough to where it has saved me plenty of money in the past 6 years I've had it. I love the guy they used for that story though. If you look closely to the wheel on his black Dodge Ram, that is a wheel for the SRT-10 Viper Ram. Plus he has a kid in the rear which means its a 4 door Ram (more weight) and has an automatic tranny instead of stick (less MPG). So basically, yeh I can see why he is pissed......BECAUSE HE IS GETTING 5 MILES TO THE GALLON!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL
  4. There are just too many for me to pick a top 5 but definitely the Zelda, Castlevania, and Final Fantasy series have some of the best music to me. There is one track that has been in my head for awhile lately, anybody here with a Dreamcast and Soul Caliber should be able to remember the music in the museum mode. That was some really relaxing music plus the artwork was really good.
  5. I've been playing some Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. I've finished all the races for C, B, and A class and now have to do the S class races but the penalties you get for cutting the track line or bumping another car is ridiculous. Anybody that has played this game to this point will know what I'm talking about.
  6. Translation: "HOLY CRAP we never realized what a cash cow this thing would be. We roll cigars with money. We blow our noses on money. We wipe our cracks with money. we actually sleep on beds of money now like Scrooge McDuck. Were gonna add a half GB of memory to the unit and release it this Christmas for an extra 200 dollars. HAHAHA screw you stupid consumers." I don't think they're that bad but if they could just let me put a 32GB SD card in my Wii and somehow have the system use it as internal memory I would be happy.
  7. I remember that magazine. I have a few of those packed away somewhere. I'll have to try and find them one day if I can bear the summer temperatures in my attic. I remembered one month there was some big game release and they released four multiple covers of different colors.
  8. I got em all but I'm afraid you want scans with the spines broken right?
  9. In case anyone didn't know about this yet, I found a really nice website that details and reviews all the VC releases for all territories.. Link: http://www.vc-reviews.com/
  10. I just noticed that interview you gave to Gnomesliar Phillyman, very nice.
  11. Why the hell are their magazines so much better than ours here in the US? Every magazine they have has more pages, more color, and the pages are bigger too. WTH is this crap? They got sweet reads like EDGE, GamesTM, Retro Gamer, plus all the official and non official Sony MS Nintendo magazines. As far as EDGE goes, man those reviewers must have some huge balls because they are absolutely brutal sometime. Definitely the #1 place for reviews IMO. What do we get? -We got EGM which just seems like its trying its best to commit suicide. -Gamepro is just written for 5 year olds. -The official mags are full of childish butt kissing. -Game Informer isn't so bad but they're reviews are just way too friendly. -Play is pretty sweet but their reviews seem too soft also. I miss the classics like Next Generation, Gamefan, and Gamer's Republic. What does everyone else think bout this? Are kids nowadays just too spoiled by this new fangled internet thing...
  12. I wish I had more time but at the age I'm getting to, real life is becoming quite the pain. I played some Project Gotham 4 a couple weeks ago but nothing since. Sad thing is I have picked up Test Drive Unlimited and Gran Turismo 5 Prologue since then and haven't touched them OOOHHHH, almost forgot, I snagged NBA Homecourt for $15 at Target and haven't' touched that yet either UGH
  13. SSSSSSSShhhhhhhhhhh......... Yeh, that would be really nice.
  14. Just noticed in the last 15 minutes (4/24/2008 4PM EDT) that there have been almost 500 guests? Anyone know the reason for this? Is the EGM #1 scan big on google search or something? Pretty impressive numbers there...
  15. I'm just messing around man. I only help out around here, I don't control anything that goes on with this great site. Refresh my memory, what was on the cover of issue 66? I should be able to remember.
  16. How are you scanning the hard bound issues? Are you breaking them open? To vrap, well get to issue 66 sometime next year...
  17. I assume the missing issues are the ones that you don't possess for scanning?
  18. I got a crap load of EGM's. I'm only missing a few from the first 2 years but otherwise got em all. But, I don't know how I would be able to do any scans with the spines being thick and hardbound.
  19. Those scans are just ads and previews. Unless I missed it which is highly unlikely cuz I've been reading all the mags for almost 20 years now, there never was a review of the game. The game was long canceled before it got near completion to go gold.
  20. Actually, Future owns Nintendo Power now so we actually have the most of Future's magazines.
  21. Good one there. You seriously depressed me but I caught on after a few mins and HOPED it was indeed an April 1st prank.
  22. Just wanted to let everyone know in case you didn't. If you remember this magazine and sorely miss its style that is more mature than most magazines available today. It's UK equivalent, EDGE magazine, never stopped publication and is basically the exact same magazine. In fact if you look up earlier issues of Edge magazine you will see that they are almost carbon copies of the US magazine with the same cover on the outside and the same articles on the inside.
  23. I'll make it my mission this weekend to locate my Gamefans and attempt to scan issue 1 for everyone. BTW, $75 for issue 1 is actually cheap. I watched someone sell the 1st 5 Gamefans on Ebay once for almost $400!!! Hence, my reluctance to tear apart the spine but also they're relics of my childhood.
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