Yes, you are correct, issue #1 is stapled together as are the first 8 or so issues. If I remember correctly I believe I have the first 5 years of the magazine complete. I have a huge collection of magazines that I have kept since I was a kid. I would have to guess that my collection consist of close to a 1000 magazines, no joke. I put them all in order chronologically awhile back and them boxed them all up for safe keeping. Here's some highlights of what I can remember that I have:
EGM = almost complete to current, I am missing about 10 issues from the first few years.
Gamepro = almost complete up to about 1996 when it lost my interest, I am missing about 10 issues from the first few years
Gamer Republic = I have about a years worth including the 1st 5 I believe
Xbox magazine = every issue
SNES Buyer's Guide = about 12 issues
Mega Play = about 12 issues
Nintendo Power = around the 1st 10 years complete except for the 1st issue
Official Playstation Magazine = almost the 1st year complete
Official Dreamcast Magazine = several issues
Next Generation = ENTIRE COMPLETE (my pride and joy after Gamefan, I sorely miss this magazine)
And many, many more that I can't think of right now. I'll try to get up into my attic this weekend and see if I can locate my box of Gamefans for you all and see how I can do with scanning the 1st issue. This site is absolutely amazing BTW, good job everyone.