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Everything posted by triverse

  1. Kiwi, that is great, and well, while not specifically mentioned in the opening post, it is still awesome and interesting. Care to share a link to the book or would that be too personable?
  2. Understandable and also a very big difference between Retromags and Out-of-Print. I personally would like to know that as much as possible is being done to further the preservation scene to a legal one.
  3. First up, Mister Zero, on each post there is a reply button, if you click that then it will give you the original poster's name in the quote. Now on to E-Day's concerns there. There are really two types of people in the world, those that want to know and those that wish to remain hidden, out of site. I choose to be one of those that wants to know, one that wants to find out things, know where I stand and such. This carries over to how we run Out-of-Print, we want to know what publishers we can and cannot work with- to us, it is no different than having the cut-off year for releases. Just like it is public knowledge how certain icons in gaming feel (Ralph Baer, Bill Kunkel, the publishers that work with Out-of-Print, etc) it is also just as unknown about others that wish to either remain silent or not publicly address the situation of their properties being preserved by anyone (sadly, most of the owners in question don't even have a set of their own property). I would rather face someone like Mr. Harris, find out his concerns, wishes and flat out objections to what is being done to preserve his magazines, then, and only then, do you truly know what needs to be done to gain his support (which we have done from day 1 at Out-of-Print). It is a choice that has to be made, you are either interested in working with publishers or not, it is pretty simple.
  4. Thor, this may have been another topic already, if so, I apologize (it was late and I was tired and I wanted to get some conversations started up since it was a little slow). You guys know that Steve Harris is looking for letters for the first letters column of the returning EGM right? I wonder if anyone can get him to comment on magazine preservation (I know his feelings and well, they are "colorful").
  5. Pretty simple, have you appeared in print before? This can be a comic or magazine (such as the letter column or even as a writer) or well, there isn't much else is there? Me personally, I had a letter printed in the mid 90's Catwoman comic book (I think it was issue #11 or something). It was pretty cool. Anyone else have a similar experience?
  6. is being a loud mouth, what is new?

  7. Nice to see this weekly update return. With Kiwi releasing stuff like he was, I am sure it would nearly be a full time endeavor to keep just his stuff properly listed. Keep up the great work guys.
  8. I just recently got an interview with the CEO of Magnetic 3D, the developers of the technology that is being used in the 3DS. Interesting answers he had for it. Can't wait to release it.
  9. I know I e-mailed you a congratulations but, here is one on the forums. Congrats. Keep it up.
  10. The best thing to do is to search Ebay and look for lots. Of course some resellers like Bill (not Kunkel) will probably try and get it too but for the most part, unless the pic is showing an extremely rare issue, they will miss it completely. I have seen lots of mags (around 30 issues) that contained EGM #2, #4, #9, #14, #88, #98, etc and also some rare #1's but in the pic, they showed the newer issues which were shown in the preview pic. These lots have gone for as low as $5 with $10 shipping. Just have patience and you will be able to build quite the collection with minimal expenditure.
  11. Wow, I wasn't aware that Titan Quest was getting that bad a rap (the pirates and their troubles should have not been mentioned in the mainstream press reviews). It is sad that another great developer is gone because people would rather steal than pony up a few bucks for a game they like.
  12. Awesome write up man, really funny and I think you have nailed the characters on the head with your similes there.
  13. Keep up the great writing, I enjoyed reading your recount of your gaming history there. Can't wait to see more from you.
  14. Your all set. You will need to make 5 posts to see the shout box (our chat room here).

  15. At least the sports games are more timeless, unlike say, Madden 96 or something like that. lol I wonder how well Tomb Raider will sell since there is Anniversary available, maybe fans will take the leap to see where the series started.
  16. As posted from VG247.com recently, here is the list of PSOne games that the ESRB has rated for PSN release. Take a look, kick the tires, check them out and speak up if you like any of these: Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain Bloody Roar Cool Boarders 2 Cool Boarders 3 International Track & Field Oddworld: Abe’s Exodus Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee Pandemonium! SimCity 2000 Syphon Filter 2 Tomb Raider Tomb Raider 2 Um Jammer Lammy Source: VG247.com
  17. If you want to see some TG-16 games in action you can check out the Youtube channel for Classic Video Gamer Magazine here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ClassicVideoGamerMag
  18. I see nothing wrong with posting your ebay stuff here like this. So, here is a bump for the topic to get it in the recent discussions (for some reason threads have to be responded in once to get in there).
  19. Nice little collection going there. If one of the resellers sees it, they will be all over it (those Gamefans run about $10 to $15 each and Gamer's Republic is rare on ebay so I have no idea of their going rate).
  20. I agree. I want to get a PS2 again just for the Kingdom Hearts games (I had KH1 but had to part with most of my stuff at one point). It would be awesome to see what they could come up with for say, KH4 or something (aren't they already on part 3?).
  21. I wonder if they will revisit some older storylines like Arcade (where he took the X-Men, X-Caliber and other members of the X family and put them in his arcade of death but now without having to use facsimiles of Disney characters...
  22. Seems the house of Marvel is not safe from the almighty merger. The X-Men couldn't fend off the mouse and his gang as they came in, plopped down enough cash to choke the Incredible Hulk and have purchased Marvel, lock stock and Juggernaut. Yes folks, Disney now owns Marvel Comics, all that is left to do is wait for some kind of verification from the antitrust committees and it will be final and done. What does this mean for comic readers? Probably not much will change really, Marvel will probably be allowed to operate as a separate entity from Disney and continue doing what turned it into such a valuable asset. Games may be different as now this opens a whole new can of worms for games like Kingdom Hearts (could you imagine a level, or whole world, based on the Danger Room?). Some licenses already in place are possibly in jeopardy such as the deal Sega has for Iron Man and the licenses that Activision holds. Original source and picture credit: Kotaku.com
  23. Digital Leisure released a version for DVD players too, though in extremely limited quantities.
  24. You can't beat Raiders of the Lost Ark with 100% though, the best you can get is somewhere around 98% due to there being a bug in the programming.
  25. Retromags Weekly Update Week Ending 08/29/2009 Nintendo-Magasinet 028 - 1993 April (swedish) Official Sega Saturn Magazine 032 - june 1998 (UK) The Ultimate Video Game Code Book v.3 Contributors this Week: BarbieOnWeed meppi Please feel free to thank our contributors by using the comment system in the Download Manager! Retromags does not condone requests of material past our December 31st 1999 cut off date. New Member Introductions Retromags FAQ Scanning and Editing Guide **************************************** These files are in .CBR/.CBZ Format You will need Comic Book Reader installed on your computer to read this file. ****************************************
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