First up, Mister Zero, on each post there is a reply button, if you click that then it will give you the original poster's name in the quote.
Now on to E-Day's concerns there. There are really two types of people in the world, those that want to know and those that wish to remain hidden, out of site. I choose to be one of those that wants to know, one that wants to find out things, know where I stand and such. This carries over to how we run Out-of-Print, we want to know what publishers we can and cannot work with- to us, it is no different than having the cut-off year for releases.
Just like it is public knowledge how certain icons in gaming feel (Ralph Baer, Bill Kunkel, the publishers that work with Out-of-Print, etc) it is also just as unknown about others that wish to either remain silent or not publicly address the situation of their properties being preserved by anyone (sadly, most of the owners in question don't even have a set of their own property).
I would rather face someone like Mr. Harris, find out his concerns, wishes and flat out objections to what is being done to preserve his magazines, then, and only then, do you truly know what needs to be done to gain his support (which we have done from day 1 at Out-of-Print). It is a choice that has to be made, you are either interested in working with publishers or not, it is pretty simple.