Ok, for about 6 years now I have been persuing the purchase, or at least the owner, of Gamefan Magazine (call me idealistic) just to see what it would be going for. After many months, maybe a year, of searching I finally got in contact with a gentleman that claimed to own the rights to the magazine. We talked back and forth and finally after feeling confident about his truthfulness, I started thinking it would be a good idea to know how much this was going to cost before persuing funding from investers.
Well, everything came to a head recently, I think that is the term used, when I got to accompany two investers to a meeting about Gamefan and all related materials (including original mag prints of everything the magazine produced) and stuff like promotional items and photos (both signed by former staff and most not signed). Most importantly, this includes the rights to everything to do with as seen fit.
My question is, who here believes it would have been worth $625,000.00 total? They broke it down with 2 sets of numbers but would not sell individually.
The final offer was quite a bit less than that and was subsequently turned down just so you know.
Any opinions?