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Count_Zero last won the day on August 28 2009

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About Count_Zero

  • Birthday 02/03/1985

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    Playstation 3
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    Nintendo Entertainment System

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    Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 and Madden 10.
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    The Final Fantasy and Phantasy Star series, as well as Shumps in general.

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  1. Count_Zero

    Database API?

    Is there an accessible API for the Retromags database? If there isn't - is there a similar magazine issue specific database with an API I could use to put something together to help attach metadata for magazines in library managers like ComicRack or Kavita?
  2. Appropriate to have Devil May Cry on issue 666.
  3. I'm getting a 404 Error when trying to download this for some reason.
  4. Aha! The images in the CBZ files are inside of a folder. That's what's throwing ComicRack! Thanks @perfinpuz!
  5. Yeah - that makes sense. ComicRack hasn't been supported for a while. Honestly, the only reason I still use it is I have yet to find a more robust library manager.
  6. Yep - just tried re-downloading PSM #92 - same problem. Again, the issue is fine, so I don't think it's corrupted. It seems like just a bit of weirdness that's bugging me just enough to make me want to investigate further.
  7. So - I downloaded all of BonusFrank's PSM issues that were recently uploaded, and they all open just fine in YACReader, which is my general-purpose CBR/CBZ reader program, which is good because the software is still supported... However, I use ComicRack as a library manager, and they're not opening in there - and even with the files being associated with YACReader in Windows, they're not bringing up file thumbnails in Windows either. I'm just wondering what's different about those files in particular, so I know whenever I start getting around to scanning some of the issues in my collection.
  8. Thank you very much for the upload. I hope we get some more issues of Comptiq
  9. A while back I reviewed the Silmarillion – this time I’m reviewing and discussing Tolkein’s first novel: The Hobbit. Please support my Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/countzeroor Member of The Console Xplosion Network: http://www.theconsolexplosion.com/ Watch my Live-Streams on http://twitch.tv/countzeroor/ Filed under: Books Tagged: Books, middle-earth, video
  10. We take on our second loyalty mission, as we rescue the Asari Arc. Filed under: Let's Play Tagged: Let's Play, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Video games
  11. Before moving on to our next Loyalty mission, we chat with some party members. Filed under: Let's Play Tagged: Let's Play, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Video games
  12. I recently took a look at the Dragon Age RPG from Green Ronin, along with the more generic Fantasy AGE RPG, and I want to give a few thoughts on those. First off, I really like the task resolution mechanic. Two d6, with modifiers determined by relevant skills and attributes, with an additional separately colored d6, the stunt die, which you roll to put some english on the result by generating Stunt points – which can be spent to do, well, stunts, which affect the results. The books give some tables with possible results, but the GM and player can work to put together their own stunts. However, things fall apart with the variety of characters you can create in the game. Specifically, the game effectively has only 3 classes – Fighter, Rogue, or Mage, and each class has a very petite powerset, and in turn a petite degree of character customization options. They’re enough that with a 4-5 character campaign you shouldn’t have two characters built the same way, but things get trickier with 6 characters, and if you have a second campaign, then things will definitely become an issue. This is especially an issue with spellcasters. In Dungeons & Dragons, while spellcasters can become defacto gods at later levels, even at early to mid levels there is the fun of finding various possible spells and finding new uses and combinations for them. Fantasy AGE doesn’t provide that same option. I feel like Fantasy AGE, mechanically, would have worked better as an Effects-based system, like Green Ronin’s own Mutants & Masterminds, while using the existing resolution mechanic. It would have provided a wider range of customization for characters in the game, and avoided potential monotony when it comes to character types – and would have set up a good framework for people who want to adapt the AGE rules (in advance of any later iterations of the rules) for other types of settings. The other remaining issue I had – scarcity of monsters in the rules, is alleviated by the Fantasy AGE Bestiary, which came out last year and which is nominated for an Ennie. Ultimately, the current iteration of the Fantasy AGE rules are not my cup of tea. However, I really like the resolution mechanic, and I hope a later iteration of the rules allow for building characters that would let me, as a player and GM, do something neat with them. Should you decide to check them out anyway, you can pick up the Dragon Age RPG and Fantasy AGE core book at Amazon.com. They’ve also gotten PDF releases available at DriveThruRPG. Filed under: Role Playing Games Tagged: Dragon Age Series, Fantasy AGE, Role Playing Games, RPGs, Tabletop RPGs
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