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Count_Zero last won the day on August 28 2009

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About Count_Zero

  • Birthday 02/03/1985

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    Playstation 3
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    Nintendo Entertainment System

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    Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 and Madden 10.
  • Video Games Favorites
    The Final Fantasy and Phantasy Star series, as well as Shumps in general.

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  1. Alright - I found someone who can do the scanning. If this is something that might actually be a good fit for Retromags, in addition to Archive.org, please let me know.
  2. My dad used to be really into miniatures wargaming back in the day, and has a ton of issues of Wargamers Digest magazine which he's accumulated (which include some articles written by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, among others). I can't find any archives of the magazine on Archive.org, nor any scans available anywhere else, nor am I particularly equipped to do the scans on my own. Would anyone be interested in these? I will pay the cost for shipping them out to you.
  3. I get the vibe - the NES was modeled after a VCR, so why not model the SNES after a tape deck?
  4. Speaking of possible synonym pairings - how about Vexed by Valis.
  5. Count_Zero

    Database API?

    Is there an accessible API for the Retromags database? If there isn't - is there a similar magazine issue specific database with an API I could use to put something together to help attach metadata for magazines in library managers like ComicRack or Kavita?
  6. Appropriate to have Devil May Cry on issue 666.
  7. I'm getting a 404 Error when trying to download this for some reason.
  8. Aha! The images in the CBZ files are inside of a folder. That's what's throwing ComicRack! Thanks @perfinpuz!
  9. Yeah - that makes sense. ComicRack hasn't been supported for a while. Honestly, the only reason I still use it is I have yet to find a more robust library manager.
  10. Yep - just tried re-downloading PSM #92 - same problem. Again, the issue is fine, so I don't think it's corrupted. It seems like just a bit of weirdness that's bugging me just enough to make me want to investigate further.
  11. So - I downloaded all of BonusFrank's PSM issues that were recently uploaded, and they all open just fine in YACReader, which is my general-purpose CBR/CBZ reader program, which is good because the software is still supported... However, I use ComicRack as a library manager, and they're not opening in there - and even with the files being associated with YACReader in Windows, they're not bringing up file thumbnails in Windows either. I'm just wondering what's different about those files in particular, so I know whenever I start getting around to scanning some of the issues in my collection.
  12. Thank you very much for the upload. I hope we get some more issues of Comptiq
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