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About john_ron168

  • Birthday 12/13/1985

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  • Favorite Current Generation Platform?
    Nintendo Wii

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  1. lol i forgot that "Golden Mario" had the funny instructions on the back so i'm going to test the cart again... yay! more fun! anyway i'll post back when i get more time for mario testing
  2. ok i got around to testing and cleaning "Golden Mario".... mario 2 (jap) pirate! i think! only played 1-2... also got rally bike, batman return of the joker, super joy III (famiclone), F-15, famicom adapter
  3. i got this on two computers john_ron1681 and john_ron168
  4. anyone have a cover for fun club news #1?
  5. my favorite retro game is mario 3 because every girlfriend i've had likes that game! and favorite series ninja gaiden all for nes
  6. the logo banner? its bin fixed or is showing up now anyway
  7. the retromags logo isn't showing up on the stat page i'm going to install this on a few computers still looking for a torrent to seed tho... :(
  8. i'lll get my camera back tonight or tomorrow and post a picture has some writing on the top and in the picture as graffiti (same but with added symbol) on the top in english between japanese it reads "Golden Mario"... yay! lol instructions on the back are eng/jap
  9. i'm also knowledgeable about about NES/Famicom its going to need a good cleaning before it will work i found a post HERE they don't know much tho on the back... 1. PUSH RIGHT-UP SIDE OF THE + BUTTON AND "START BUTTON" TOGETHER, IT CAN TURN TO 1-2. 2. PUSH LIKE THIS WAY, USE THE " + BUTTON" AND "A BUTTON" TOGETHER THEN PUSH "START" IT ANT TURN TO A-1. OERA LIKE THIS WAY TO CHOOSE A. B. C. D. so my guess...... multi cart! but maybe not tho
  10. nestopia is the best nes emultor snes9x for the snes... fusion for sega
  11. most keyboards you can shower if you google it i remember looking it up after washing 2c if anyone did the same lol some guy made a web page showing the world it cold be done.... :|
  12. hey i have some internet connections and extrea bandwidth+web space how do i get a torrent so i can seed? i found a couple torrents but they have corrupt files in them... nintendo power is my favorite retro mag so i wanna seed!
  13. well i do most of my reading on the internet.. and most reading i do is schematics... but tesla books are good! "my inventions" is a good autobiography
  14. $1.26L and climbing! ahhh! :( guelph. ontario, canada! gas sucks...
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