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Everything posted by KiwiArcader

  1. I think the term was actually have been used in the historical sense was what I was alluding to. The term Jap was a common slang in WWII and it carried over into all manner of associated media right through the 1980's so I didn't read that in any other way. I grew up reading Commando comics during the 1970's and assuming the writer was a similar age he may have been subjected to those terms as well so seeing it used in the context of a WWII game article doesn't seem out of place to me. I guess it's all about perspectives. There has been all manner of efforts made by conservatives to censor or prevent movies made in the 1930's being released on disc etc because a Chinese was called a derogatory term by todays standards and so forth and it's great to see the publishers pushing back and saying "No, this was how things were at that time" and instead putting a disclaimer at the front of the movie and an article about it in the extra's as a way of educating people rather than simply changing the movie. In The Untouchables would have been better or more historically correct if Sean Connery had said "Trust an Italian to bring a knife to a gunfight"? But you're right. If the editor had said it was being used in a historical context rather than "My Sis-in-law's a Japanese" it might have been a little more defensible ...
  2. The only thing I find wrong with that scenario is the fact you think they should have apologised. The simple fact is that most nationalities have had their countries abbreviated or icons associated when it comes to nicknaming cultures, especially in the 1900's. Australian = Ozzies New Zealand = Kiwi's UK = Brits, Scot's, Irish etc USA = Yanks Japan = Japs Then there are the subgroups like nigger's, Nazi's, Jews etc which are certainly more offensive given the context they were/can be used for. It would be fair to say that the use of Jap could be construed towards the second group as a result of the animosity by people over what they did to China in the 1930's and everyone in the Pacific during WWII. I am pretty sure the older generations who suffered at their hands during those times have a completely different view of Japan even today, than you do. In reality, the publisher of the article was probably a childhood reader of Commando comics where terms like Yanks, Krauts, Japs, Eyeties (Italians) and so were used on just about every second page and didn't think much of it given the WWII article he was penning. Note that I neither condoning NOR denigrating what was written. In many ways the world has gone overboard catering to the politically correct brigades out there. I personally think the context of the word in relation to the article is the important consideration. Movies and literature made in the 1900's are a product of the time they were created and should be viewed that context. We shouldn't be trying to rewrite history by censoring content but by providing viewers with the information on why certain terms might have been used in a particular title. Education is far more valuable in the long run .....
  3. Computer Games issue 174 is now available over at OGM.
  4. Hi Matt, There's no need to cut yourself off from Retromags, or any other site for that matter, just because you choose not to play video or computer games. People make communities irrespective of what or how they choose to use their spare time. I'm sure you will be most welcome here or OGM any time you want to turn up for a chat about whatever you feel like
  5. Computer Games issue 135 is now available over at OGM.
  6. It's far and away better the sort via release date where possible. It totally solves any sorting issues regarding issue numbers. There are more than a few instances of a magazine staring off with "Volume 01 issue 01" then sometime later adopting "issue only" formatting. It also means you don't have to muck around with creating SQL fields in the database and making it even more difficult to keep track of things a year or two down the line when you decide another change is needed to fix that change. You guys are just making things way more difficult than they have to be ..........
  7. Computer Games issue 146 is also now available over at OGM. Hopefully this issues cover won't annoy kitsunebi77 quite so much
  8. Computer Games issue 145 is also now available over at OGM.
  9. Austin Power's would probably say "Give her a good shagging. Everything's fixed by a jolly rogering"
  10. What are you saying? If I drop off the pace it'll take even longer to finish scanning the mags which means even longer she complains about it. I think it was the fact I have a four foot high pile of mags by my desk more than anything. She doesn't like clutter (and magazines) so this gave her the perfect excuse on both counts.
  11. Never really got into RPG's except the ones that blow up tanks in Battlefield 2 Seriously though, the whole adventure thing was lost on me. I dallied around in Ultima Underworld because they felt somewhat like a slow moving FPS but I admit I did enjoy it. My main calling in the DOS era was flight sims. I sold my fully specced out Amiga 2000 system just so I could get a 386DX to play Chuck Yeager's Air Combat. Probably THE worst mistake I ever made as although I loved the game I miss the Amiga 2000 more nowadays.
  12. My brother-in-law is returning to the UK in a few weeks time but there's no way in hell I'd ship them to him to keep in his basement for me. I almost had divorce proceedings instigated on me this weekend over the current pile of mags I have awaiting scanning. Very touchy subject at my place at present. It's going to have to be stealth delivery for the next lot of Computer Games"Strategy Plus mags or I'm literally "gone burger" ....
  13. I have a two foot high pile of these in my basement in the "some time this decade they may be scanned" area
  14. Computer Games issue 185 is also now available over at OGM.
  15. Computer Games issue 158 is now available over at OGM.
  16. I always thought giving numbers to special versions of GamePro and thus screwing the database issue number compared to that printed on the covers was, well, a little screwed to be honest. I went down the"cover issue is right" path over at OGM. This might be the ONLY magazine like this though.......
  17. Computer Games issue 172 is now available over at OGM.
  18. Issue 73 of PC Gamer (USA) is now available over at OGM
  19. No time for a break Computer Games issue 164 is now available over at OGM
  20. Free time only I am afraid. I try and process one mag per day with options on a second per day if I don't need to do much editing. Has to fit it in with editing other peoples scans too which can be difficult I have to admit.
  21. My PC Gamer (USA) package arrived yesterday. First off the scanner is issue 122
  22. Computer Games issue 169 is now available over at OGM. Thank goodness the Fujitsu doesn't lose it with those fluoro/neon coloured covers ...
  23. Speaking of magazines, issue 91 of PC Gamer (USA) is now available over at OGM
  24. Nope. No way. She will happily take the chocolates then throw the box out along with my magazines into recycling. That or hit me on the head with the new cast she's sporting on her arm at present as a way of saying "buy any more mags and you're history....."
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