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Everything posted by KiwiArcader

  1. I bet this has been downloaded a hundred times but no-one else wants to "Like" it due to the moral implications
  2. PC Gamer (USA) issue 127 has now been edited thanks to marktrade providing the raw scans and is available on OGM. This was a bugger as the publisher cut it really badly so a lot of rotating and cropping was required to get a properly aligned magazine. I personally think it looks really nice and it should do nicely until someone else decides to take it on to create an "official" Retromags version. If you do want to use it here by all means convert it to .cbr and make it available.
  3. EGM issue 263 has been scanned for the eventual day when it may be made available. You never know when that might be what with the haphazard nature of their business at the present time. Phillyman ... if you want this for archival purposes let me know
  4. The last three of these have been edited and compiled into PDF's from marktrade's raw scans and are available on OGM. I didn't bother with .CBR files for Retromags as Sean697 said my editing wasn't acceptable for the site so decided to leave to someone else to provide the edited versions here. Not that anyone over here has stepped up mind you ......
  5. EGM issue 173 released in December 2003 is now available over at OGM. There were a couple of niggles with this issue but it will suffice until Retromags official version is available at some point in the future.
  6. In addition to scanning computing/gaming magazines I am scanning a 1960's vintage weekly comic called Look and Learn. At 36 to 40 pages they are a whole lot easier to scan than gaming magazines however, being a weekly, I have something like 700 still to scan Being pretty old myself I have also scanned a 1943 vintage Wonder Book of the R.A.F. I think when you get into scanning you tend to deviate of the original track when things come along that interest you. Comics are a bit iffy though as like novels they tend to be timeless and they (the publishers) tend to litigate pretty vociferously. One of my scanner members had a cease and desist notice issue against his own website by DC Thomson recently which forced him to remove a LOT of comics even though they were 1960's/70's vintage so I'd think carefully about hosting them locally, especially if the publisher is still active.
  7. Computer Games issue 126 is now available over at OGM.
  8. marktrade's scans of Play issue 03 have been edited and the PDF is now available over at OGM.
  9. CDi issue 05 is now available at OGM. Thanks once again to marktrade for the raw scans on Archive.org
  10. Computer Games issue 124 is now available at OGM
  11. marktrade's raw scans of CDi issue 04 have been edited and the PDF is now available over at OGM.
  12. Big guns arrive today with PC Gamer (USA) issue 16 now available at OGM. Once again, kudos to marktrade on providing the lovely raw scans
  13. I've debinded and scanned in excess of 700 mags to date and I can tell you I am very happy getting the weight of those off my house foundations and into the recycling dumpster. Only 1200 mags approx to go....
  14. Computer Games issue 154 is now available at OGM. Two to go!!!
  15. marktrade's raw scans of CDi issue 03 have been edited and is available over at OGM. Truly weird issues with editing though .....
  16. Another of marktrade's raw scans gets a release after a fair amount of editing. Issue 02 of Play was cut nowhere near straight :-)
  17. Computer Games issue 138 is now available over at OGM
  18. No-one seems to be doing much about marktrade's great raw scans on Archive.org so I have edited and compiled Play issue 01 which is now available over at OGM.
  19. Computer Games issue 134 is available over at OGM. The name was shortened from Computer Games: Strategy Plus somewhere between issue 81 (previously the latest issue I posses) and 124. I had five issues turn on my doorstep the other day from my donator. He has heaps of these but needs help with postage costs (these five cost $22US to ship to New Zealand) so if anyone wants to help get them shipped please feel free to donate over at OGM.
  20. I think you should post an example here so we can advise you on your, er, the finer points of your potential advertising piccie.
  21. Those are Mort's old scans I believe and while they are nice to have if nothing else exists, compared to the new scans the lack of quality is obvious. Great seeing these new scans relegating those old scans to the scrap heap IMHO
  22. Haha. No logic at all mate!! As they were raw scans, after running deskew if required it was/is simply a case of cropping as close to the edges as possible. As I said previously, while E-Day seems to want to resize pages to a specific size I prefer to leave them be unless the size of the PDF exceeds 400MB's in which case I will apply a resize as small as possible to get the file size down. I personally prefer my scans to look like they came off paper. I used to apply brightness/contrast settings to try and whiten pages etc but the over saturation of colors, especially blacks in dark images, caused me to desist from that. Factor in the brightness levels on tablet screens and overly white magazines become a bit hard on the eyes. Again, I'm old so maybe my eyes don't work as well as younger peoples.
  23. These are marktrade's scans so I am guessing 300DPI. I don't change resolution/DPI settings at all. I appreciate you and E-Day follow the Meppi code of editing the heck out of things which is fine and dandy. I follow the "get as much up as possible" practice nowadays as one, I'm old so time isn't on my side and two, I would rather scan than edit. marktrade put up a swag load of raw scans for people to edit, and apart from Depressor doing a few Super Play's nothing else has happened so I thought I'd whack a few up and at least they would be presentable. That's partly why I didn't upload them here but rather make them available via my Google Drive account in the event that someone wanted to edit them more before making a proper RM version. However, I'll stop that and let someone else do RM versions as of today. As for OGM, I have my scanning members use 300DPI with preferably no page size dimension adjustments if they can get a mag into 400mb or less. However, people have different scanners and PC's so at the end of the day I have to be flexible as I'd rather have magazines preserved than not and driving contributors away by forcing strict guidelines becomes somewhat self defeating if they decide to stop scanning. Given how few people contribute I am adopting a tolerant approach to things.
  24. Computer Gaming World issue 223 is now available at OGM. Unfortunately I was forced to use the cover from the CGW Museum version of this as mine was missing the cover so if anyone can provide ahigh res scan of the cover I'll happily replace it.
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