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Everything posted by KiwiArcader

  1. Yep. I'm going to keep scanning mags and putting pages up on the basis that at some stage sanity will prevail again and we'll be back to normal service.
  2. I have 340GB's of computer/gaming mags stored on my server at home encompassing most everything on RM/OoPA or off torrent sites etc. All is in PDF format of course
  3. I am working my way through the OGM content, moving from most recent releases backwards. I think this is going to play ouit in the legal system very slowly so I am uploading to Filesonic at the present time.
  4. That's the big problem. Companies like Future Publishing don't push to have older content removed but they won't give permission either. Then for me there's the issues around who owns copyright now for content from the likes of Argus Press who disappeared in the late 80's etc. It's a nightmare!!! The only thing that differentiates our cause from movies, novels, comics and music is that those are relatively timeless while gaming mags are pretty much obsoleted with the passing of the hardware they are written for. that doesn't make it any less of an issue as far as the law is concerned but is Future likely to push for infringement in regards to Amstrad Action magazine? Not likely whereas they would for Nintendo Gamer which is a current title. At the end of the day I would prefer they supply the old mags just like they do with the current ones on the Apple Store. C'mon Future ... give us Amstrad Action for .99c an issue on the iPad and I'll buy the whole lot. And while you're at it create an app for the PC as well.
  5. Considering what we are doing is not legal we'll just have to take a wait and see approach methinks. That or use alternate hosting providers in the interim. Ironically I just renewed my MU account for another 2 years in December. Drat, drat and double drat Muttley ....
  6. If it's the mag triverse is working on then it's pretty well known about over at Atariage anyway.
  7. Sure does. I feel much more affinity for the mags of my youth than with anything produced today. Well, Retro Gamer may be the singular exception to that ...
  8. Magazines come ... magazines go ... just look at the volume of UK mags that were cancelled or merged into other titles within only 1 - 3 years ... Personal Computing Today, Games Computing, Computer Gamer, Atari ST Review, SNES Force .. the list goes on. So while it is disappointing that Gamepro has folded it might be better to actually celebrate how long it lasted instead? As 22 years sounds like a pretty darned good run in my eyes.
  9. KiwiArcader

    Zzap64 Issue 063

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