Re Newsfield content. Well .... while Zzap64's and Games Machines are available already the quality on those are pretty crap really .... simply raw unedited scans. So over time I want to scan the 50 Newsield mags I own to get good quality versions online. OoPA got Newsfield to allow official digital distribution so it seems fair to make them available there.
E-Day. Being a Mod was never something I thought about really. If we were to be realistic about it most of our 'Mods' have never submitted or edited a magazine for the site so their worth in my mind was less than Team Members anyway. After all, a site like this can survive without Mods but its whole worth is based upon the Teamies who provide the content.
Re Nirv - yeah, a total pill in most ways but I did agree with the principle that if a publisher isn't making digital versions of their mags then there is a risk that they will be lost if not preserved. That was what I meant about agreeing with him. That's all though.
But I find myself at a crossroads where I'm approaching 50 and I find I am spending too much time on this stuff. Phillyman said you only need to submit one mag a month but the sheer volume of mags I have has pushed me to doing as many as possible. I've been running to a schedule that tries to get 1500 mags scanned which in hindsight was probablly totally unrealistic. Unfortunately, this has pushed significantly into my free time and my family have commented on it. In light of that and other things I realised that it is having an impact on my personal life. Hence the decision to wind down.
Lastly, for the record OoPA have nothing to do with this. I think Meppi may be a little shocked after I also told him I was stopping scanning. They're not holding their breath either now re the Newsfield content after I told them they'll see stuff as/when I feel like getting back to it. Which may be never .... I just don't know at this stage. All I do know if I am burnt out and need to relax for a while. Time for me to try and locate a working Dreamcast and get back to playing some cool games methinks. Been too long ....